~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================== Secret of Mana Herbal Boost 1.2 by Kethinov Jun 2019 =============================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This hack swaps the positions of Moon Energy and Revivifier in Primm's spell list to make the overpowered Luna elemental a bit less awesome and the underutilized Dryad elemental a bit more useful. Accordingly, the Moon Energy spell has been renamed to Herbal Boost and it has been rehued green instead of yellow to suit the theme of Dryad better. Aside from being green and having a new name, the new Herbal Boost spell functions exactly the same as the old Moon Energy spell. Likewise Revivifier (and Cup of Wishes) has had its target palette changed to yellow to reflect it now being a Luna spell, but otherwise behaves exactly as before. The cost of Revivifier has also been decreased from 10mp to 4mp to make it more useful. Likewise Herbal Boost has been made multi-targetable whereas Moon Energy was not. The balancing effects of this hack are even more pronounced when this is combined with Early Luna. Note: To combine this with Proper-caser, apply Proper-caser and this hack first, then apply the companion Proper-caser compatibility hack last. Changelog: - 1.2: Herbal Boost now costs 2mp again but is multi-targetable. - 1.1: Altered Revivifier (and Cup of Wishes) palette to yellow to reflect it now being a Luna spell, fixed bug causing enemies to cast Herbal Boost when they should be casting Revivifier, corrected element of spell being cast, and fixed small bug in swapped elemental animations. Thanks to Queue for providing some of the code. - 1.0: Initial version.