Hello, I am the creator of this brand-new Zombies Ate My Neighbors Hack. My name is Joseph, and this is Impossible? Zombies Ate My Neighbors This hack is one of the most difficult, as of 06/24/19, and is not recommended for new players (although new players are more than welcome to give it a whirl). It is largley recommended for players who have played the original and more challenging of the hacks, and are looking for even more of a challenge, in both survival and rescuing of the Victims. This hack includes: 55 brand-new levels New passwords Brand-new credits The flamethrower item, and its original sprite (the one that looks like a palette swap of the fire extinguisher) Reverse cycling New cabinet drops (i.e. 1Ups, Martian bubble guns, flamethrowers) New ammo pick-ups on certain items (i.e. Weedwhackers are now 400) A brand-new bonus (obtained by killing x amounts of Tentacles) Some enemies and bonuses are worth different point values And a couple new custom palettes, provided by Droter, very generously The fifty-five new levels are as follows: Levels: Level 0B: Déjà Vu Level 1: Rescue the Neighbors Again In: Even More Monster Panic Level 1B: Déjà Vu Level 2: Evil Doll Got Your Dr. Tongue? Level 3: What Does the Dog Say?: Pet Shop of Terror Level 4: The Dead Have Risen In: Dr. Tongue's Castle of Experiments Level 5: Surf's Up In: Surf and Turf Level 6: Expedition of Folly Level 7: You Ant Be Serious! Level 8: Forty Feet of Terror and More: Baby Got Ants Level 9: Revenge of the Clones! Level 9B: Pay Attention To: Things That Go Bump In the Night Level 10: Nobody's Listening: Talkin' 2 Myself Level 11: Enter At Your Own Peril!: Dr. Tongue's Courtyard of Terror Level 12: They're Back To Take Over the Neighborhood: Martian Conspiracy Level 12B: Where No One Can Hear You Scream: Dead End Job Level 13: Everyone's Favorite Store Special: Chop 'Til You Drop! Level 14: Life's An Itch, Then You Die Level 15: Talkin' All That Blob Blob Blob Level 16: Ruinous Exploration Level 17: You'll Never Check Out: Death Motel Level 17B: Some Like It Hot: I Like It Really Hot! Level 18: Not by the Book: Angels and Demons Level 19: Castle Phantasms Level 20: What Lies Beneath Level 21: Monster's Night Out Level 22: One Night To Live Level 22B: One of a Kind Level 23: Who Woulda Thunk It?: Dr. Tongue's Lake Resort Level 24: Warehouse Stories Level 25: For Your Own Safety: Protective Toys Level 26: A Frightening Twist: Multi-Maze Mayhem Level 27: Better Than Twilight: Dusk Level 28: Because They Haven't Had a Major Level Yet: Vampire Diaries Level 29: Cabin In the Woods Level 30: From Sea To Shining Sea Level 31: Cross Your Heart and Hope To Survive Level 32: The Itchy Sequel To Level 14: Ants In Your Plants! Level 33: Dr. Tongue's AMazeIng House Level 33B: Extra Credit!: Failing with Finesse 2 Level 34: Dr. Tongue's Torture Chamber Level 35: Up, Up, and Away Level 36: Call the Exterminator: House Infestation! Level 37: The Torturous Trek: Tower of Terror Level 38: Run, Zeke and Julie, Run! Level 39: Don't Try This At Home: Roof Jumping Level 40: Dr. Tongue's Archaeologic Dig Level 41: It'll Only Cost You Your Soul: Raise Those Prices Waaayy Up! Level 42: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead Level 43: More Terror Than You Have Ever Fathomed!: Pyramid of Fear 4 Level 44: For 1 Night Only! The Terrifying Trio: Featuring Martian Starship Level 45: Quit While You're Ahead!: Dr. Tongue's Impossible? Castle Level 46: Chainsaw Slaughters: Turn Your Daughters Into Sawdust Level 47: The Expedition To End All Expeditions Level 48: Stop!: In the Name of Tongue! Credit Level: The Scream Team There are also new Bonus passwords to go to 0B; 33B, 9B, 12B, and the Credit Level They are, respectively: 0B: WXYZ 33B, 9B, 12B: FYZS Credit Level: FDZR After more than five years in the making, I couldn't have done any of this by myself. So credit is due to the following: PiranhaPlant: piranhaplant1@gmail.com He made the level editor, and he was incredibly patient with all my emails and questions. He also made a special bonus in here possible. And many hacks would not exist if not for his level editor. Droter: droteriumar@gmail.com Droter was there every step of the way, and beyond patient with my inquiries. He helped me incorporate the reverse cycling and the correct flamethrower sprite. He also graciously allowed me to use his custom palettes. He was also solely important in creating the title overlay. And he also helped with other hex editing questions. Jon Groobz: jon.grunes@gmail.com He is one of the creators of Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors. He also very patiently helped me at every turn. He also helped me relocate the doors that open after defeating the Dr. Tongue bosses in Level 36 and Level 48, as well as relocating them. And I cannot thank him enough for all his support. Skyhurricane: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrLgHrX81hv2JtfjnMKxMHw He is one of my best friends, and he displayed a lot of patience with me, especially with the hex editing. He also did some betatesting of this hack. And a lot of levels he gave feedback on. He even helped design a few. And one of his levels he lent me, which I tweaked to make it more original. And he was one of my greatest inspirations to hack. Of course, I feel I cannot thank any of these men enough. And they deserve every bit of it. Oh, and I, of course, can't forget to thank Konami and LucasArts Ltd. for creating this amazing game that I originally played in the mid-1990s. They have been responsible for hours of frustration and enjoyment. And I thank them. So, after five years, I am proud to finally present to you: Impossible? Zombies Ate My Neighbors. A Zombies Ate My Neighbors hack by me. And I will again stress that this hack is not recommended for those who are unfamiliar with Zombies Ate My Neighbors and tricks within the game. Not sure if any will enjoy, but I hope you do. Feel free to address any questions you have towards me. You can email me at stephenkingsbookworm@ymail.com. You can hit me up on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiOqRy7Z2IGb2J3pJcRU7wA Or you can Tweet me at https://twitter.com/JosephK1990 I hope to see some of y'all around. And I want you to have a blessed day. And keep it real. You are in for quite the struggle. lol Joseph K.