Shorter Skill Name Fix ---------------------- version 1.0 released on 2019/07/29 by madsiur Files ----- shorter_skill_name_fix_h.ips: Patch for headered ROM (FF3us 1.0 or 1.1) shorter_skill_name_fix_nh.ips: Patch for headerless ROM (FF3us 1.0 or 1.1) shorter_skill_name_fix.asm: File with changes to be assembled with xkas 0.06 Space affected -------------- $C3FF7A-$C3FFA8: Blitz and swtech names Names at $C35C91 and few pointers offsets in bank $C3 (see asm file for details) Description ----------- If you go into a Skill menu that has a longer name than another Skill menu selection, the characters from the longer name will get appended to the shorter name. To fix this, I added spaces ($FE) to the shorter names until they reach 7 letters. Thanks to vivify93 for pointing out the bug and Imzogelmo for the fix suggestion.