~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =========================== Secret of Mana Hellfire 1.4 by Kethinov Sep 2019 =========================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This hack implements an Evil Gate-style fractional damage attack called Hellfire for Salamando that replaces the Exploder spell. However, unlike Evil Gate, the Hellfire spell will work on bosses (without Salamando resistance) too though at the cost of more MP to prevent it from being overpowered since this spell will almost always do high damage against bosses. There is also no damage penalty for multi-targeting enemies and the enemy "Heck Hound" has been renamed to "Hell Hound" to fit the theme of this hack. If you wish to preserve the silly censorship endemic to Square games on Nintendo platforms, you can also apply one of two variants of this hack also provided: Firenado or Heckfire. Both censored variants do not rename "Heck Hound" to "Hell Hound." Some important things to note: - A side effect of this hack is enemies which cast Exploder will now cast Hellfire. This will cause them to run out of MP sooner. An optional companion hack is also bundled with this that increases MP of enemies that cast Hellfire so they don't run out of MP so quickly if desired. - To combine this with Proper-caser, apply Proper-caser and this hack first, then apply the companion Proper-caser compatibility hack last. Changelog: - 1.4: Added optional companion hack that increases MP of enemies that cast Hellfire so they don't run out of MP so quickly. - 1.3: Fixed bug that made the Mana Beast briefly vulnerable to Hellfire if Dispel Magic were cast on him and then Hellfire in rapid succession. - 1.2: Removed damage penalty on multi-targeting enemies and refactored spell definition code to make it more efficient. Thanks to Queue for the updates. - 1.1: Corrected palette of target, fixed in-game spell description, refactored icon code to make it more efficient, and introduced alternate name options. - 1.0: Initial version.