Super Metroid turbo ! 7.37i version Faster speed mode, based on Project Base 0.7.3 (Gameplay only), with Control Freak feature. what this patch does : - Faster Doors transition speed - Doors opening faster - Faster Elevators speed - Faster pause screen - Possibility to skip intro by pressing start button, from project base 0.8.1 feature - Remove fanfare music when collecting new item and replaces them with sound FX that don't interrupt the BG music, thanks to Sadiztyk Fish - hold down to make bombs explode instantly with no jump (only works on the ground), from project base 0.7.3 feature - charge beam attracts energy/ammo drops from enemies much faster and smoother than before, from project base 0.7.3 feature - Samus's suit palette in the ending will match the suit that was equipped when the game was beaten, from project base 0.7.3 feature - Morphball animation plays only if Samus actually moving, from project base 0.7.3 feature - Samus now has a fully drawn suit in the equipment pause menu, from project base 0.7.3 feature - Adjusted the energy and ammo drop rates for most enemies to be less stingy, from project base 0.7.3 feature - Most of demos on the title screen has been replaced (for watch them you have to wait few seconds on the title screen) - Display hours:minutes:seconds format when ending game (THE OPERATION WAS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY CLEAR TIME) instead of hours:minutes. thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL - Display gametime, and percent item collect to the Equipment pause Screen. thanks to scyzer and PHOSPHOTiDYL - Control Freak : Changes the control setup for the game, to something closer to the newer GBA Metroid games, thanks to Kejardon. more info for this patch : - Add Hard mode difficulty in the options menu (Normal by default) thanks to PHOSPHOTiDYL - Power Bombs reveal hidden tiles - Screw Attack now destroys frozen enemies (by Adamf). - Intro text can be sped up by pressing a button. - Unstuck at tourian: it's now possible to return to other areas (only works with RestoreDoorsTransitions.ips optionnal patch). - Adds 2 new unique items upgrades: WAVE DASH and HAMMERBALL (by mccad00). Will you be able to find them? - WAVE DASH: While spin jumping, hold run and double tap left or right to become temporarily invulnerable and dash through enemies. - HAMMERBALL: While in the morph ball, hold down and press 'Aim down' midair to perform an incredibly fast downward attack. Destroys speed booster blocks and utilizes the shinespark contact damage - Changes ending time: 2 hours instead of 3 hours for the best ending, and 8 hours instead of 10 hours playing for the "bad" ending, due to the faster way we play. - Grey door timer in the bomb torizo room is changed, it's now possible to avoid the fight with bomb torizo if you're fast enough by escaping before the door closing - Welcome screen changed to 2021 - bug fixes (thanks to Nodever2) changes from 7.37b to 7.37i : - Updated MSU-1 patch to v2 : when big metroid finish to drain energy the music is now stopping, instead of play samsus theme music. Happens only when using custom music - Restore default screw attack palette - Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aim downleft or downright (with aim button), and walk off a ledge it will reset to aiming upleft or upright (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it) - Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aiming downleft (with aiming button) and walking left into a wall, it will reset to aiming upleft (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it) - Fix an issue caused by a conflict between control freak and project base : when aiming downright (with aiming button) and jumping while walking right, it will do a spinning jump (thanks to laserlambert for reporting it) - Fix a bug happens on some demos scenes in title screen - Updated RestoreDefaultItemFanfare_Music&MsgBox_HUD.ips optional patch - added LessWiderX-Ray.ips optional patch - added DefaultControl(removeControlFreak).ips to remove control freak controls (restore vanilla controls) - added NewButtonConfigurationByDefault.ips to change default configuration buttons to match with speed runners often uses - Possibility to skip intro by pressing start button (project base 0.8.1 feature) - Restore default fanfare music when collecting Morph Ball, first missile, first super missile, and first power bomb. - New fanfare sound for each other items.