================ THANKS FOR PLAYING EIGHTBOUND =============== See also this nifty EightBound trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxxsQAmXhOs This EarthBound hack was created with love and care by Polinym and Mareeta. The project was completed over the course of a year and a half. A series of revisions, new ideas, and improvements have changed the hack in order to become what it is today. As stated previously, EightBound is an complete hack that makes EarthBound into a Final Fantasy game. The battles, menus, text, themes, enemies, bosses, weapons, characters, and items have all either been converted into Final Fantasy equivilants or into something new from Final Fantasy. We, Polinym and Mareeta, hope you enjoy this game and have fun completing all the challenges. Do know that EightBound is not perfect, and does have some bugs or oddities. If you encounter any bugs or glitches that make the game unplayable (not counting slight graphical hiccups or weird quirks that do no interfere with gameplay), please let Polinym know immediately so the issue can be resolved. Also, you may notice a Gaiden chapter to EightBound entitled "EightBound Regal". It is a sidestory to the EightBound canon, but it is also meant as a joke. We do not advise that you play this unless you want to have a bad time. Heheheheheh.... May the light of the crystals shine on you forever... :) ===============================================================