================================================================================ Secret of Mana -- Spell Balance Overhaul v0.6 by hmsong, Queue ================================================================================ The original game's spells' powers and MP costs were all over the place, for better or worse. This hack changes the following spells to balance things out: SE = Status Effects -Stone Saber 4MP --> 5MP (This is too powerful to be a 4MP spell) +Speed Up 3MP --> 2MP (Speed Up is not very useful) -Cure Water 2MP --> 3MP (Cure Water is too OP -- makes cure items useless) -Flame Saber 2MP --> 4MP (Engulf status is pretty useful) +Blaze Wall 33PWR --> 43PWR (3MP spell shouldn't be the weakest spell) +Blaze Wall 4MP --> 3MP (While its SE is good, it only has 43 PWR) +Thunder Saber No SE --> +Confuse (It's 3MP Saber spell, so it should have SE) +Lunar Boost Atk Up/Eva Down --> Atk Up (Why would there be Eva Down?) -Moon Energy 2MP --> 3MP (Moon Energy is too OP for a 2MP spell) +Moon Energy Target = One/All Ally (There's no reason not to) +Revivifier 10MP --> 5MP (Revivifier is good, but not 10MP) +Light Saber 5MP --> 2MP (No SE, so why should this cost 5MP?) +Lucent Beam 61PWR --> 79PWR (PWR increase) +Lucent Beam 8MP --> 4MP (8MP? What the hell?) -Lucid Barrier 4MP --> 6MP (This is too good, and it should match Wall) -Freeze 61PWR --> 43PWR (It's a 2MP spell, so its PWR should be weaker) +Acid Rain 43PWR --> 61PWR (PWR increase) -Acid Rain 3MP --> 4MP (PWR went up, so Cost should go up) -Energy Absorb 2MP --> 3MP (It damages and absorbs HP, so it should cost more) -Fireball 52PWR --> 43PWR (It's a 2MP spell, so its PWR should be weaker) +Exploder 61PWR --> 79PWR (PWR increase) +Lava Wave 43PWR --> 61PWR (PWR increase) +Thunderbolt 4MP --> 3MP (It's a 61PWR spell, so it should cost 3MP) +Silence 2MP --> 1MP (Silence SE from magic is not very useful) -Magic Absorb 1MP --> 2MP (There should be some risk in casting Magic Absorb) +Lunar Magic 8MP --> 1MP (This weakens you half the time -- worthless) +Sleep Flower +Sleep --> +Sleep, +Poison (Far more useful) -Burst 4MP --> 5MP (It's a 100PWR spell, so it should cost more) +Evil Gate 8MP --> 3MP (This is a pathetic spell, so it should cost less) +Dark Force 61PWR --> 79PWR (PWR increase) -Dark Force 2MP --> 4MP (PWR went up, so Cost should go up) +Dispel Magic 4MP --> 2MP (It only gets rid of buff/sabers/barriers) * Relocalized: This hack also fixes some of the spell names to the original names (ex: Diamond Shards became Diamond Missile, Dispel Magic became Anti-Magic, etc). It also corrects the descriptions errors and the matching changes. Applying Notes: - For the normal ROM and VWF, use "SoM Spell Balance Overhaul v0.6.ips". - Compatible with Relocalized (use "SoM Spell Balance Overhaul v0.6 reloc.ips" instead), but apply the patch AFTER applying Relocalized. - Compatible with the following spell-modifying hacks, but you need to apply the spell patches AFTER applying this "Spell Balance Overhaul" patch: - Dust Flare - Change Form - Pygmy-Moogle - Useful Lunar Magic - Herbal Boost - More Useful Evil Gate - Hellfire * I did not test the other spell hacks, but they are probably compatible. Other Notes: - I strongly suggest you to check out Queue's [Secret of Mana Turbo] hack compilation. It has all of my hacks (enhanced versions), as well as a LOT of others (some of which make the game significantly better). It even fixes most of the glitches and shortcomings that were present in the original game. And you can toggle which hacks to use (very user-friendly). It is by FAR the best SoM hack. - My hacks in Romhacking.net may be slightly different than the ones in Queue's Turbo hack. That's because my stand-alone hacks are unable to use lots of features that were available in the Turbo hack. - Queue's [Secret of Mana Turbo] forum: https://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php?topic=27890.0 If the link dies, just google "Secret of Mana Turbo", and you should find it. If you have any questions or find errors, please PM me on Romhacking.net (click my name, then click my name next to "Forum Account", then click "Send PM"). You can also contact me on Queue's forum (address above). Credits: - hmsong -- Most of the spell functions, names, and descriptions - Queue --- Thunder Saber (+Silence), Sleep Flower (+Poison)