This hack aims to correct some flaws in the Megaman X2 - Zero Playble. Aply it in the previous mentione hack availabe in These are the changes: 1- In the select screen stage change the X emblem for the Zero emblem. 2- The Zero parts that you normally collet are now X parts (To reflect the change on the protagonist). 3- The 1 life Up now display the Zero face instead of X. 4- The Text now matches Zero, except in the capsules Intended future updates: 1- Change Dr. Light Capsules for Dr. Wily capsules (Like on the previous Megaman X - Zero Playble) 2- Change the title screen to reflect the rom hack name 3- Change the capsules text to refletc the new protagonist. 4- Change the X.Buster on menu to Z.Buster withou making the Exit become Ezit