BS Zelda Kodai No Sekiban (Ancient Stone Tablets) patch v.1.1 added music patch Description: This is a complete patch to improve the gameplay of the buggy dumps Rom to apply: The game was playable in 4 weeks. There exists a dump of each week. Apply the corresponding patch to the week you want to play. As soon you have finished a week, rename your sram to the name of the next week's rom to carry on all your progress. E.g. Week 1 sram name is bs3(1).srm. As soon you have finished this rom and want to start with week 2, rename this file to bs3(2).srm Not featured: - Menu - Title screen (work in progress) Included: + Map Patch by Roto - display overworld's map correctly. + Ancient Stone Tablets Restore Patch by Dreamer Nom - Sound, Overworld music, most items displayed correctly + Indoors Patch by Euclid and Duke Serkol - fixes the dungeon maps according to the official broadcast videos + Translation by David-Euclid-Duke Serkol-Beno - English translation + Sram fix by Litude - lets you play the game in zsnes + Week 4 Protagonist Sprite Fix by Euclid, Real Hotdog and eddzzz + Music patch by Con, Vehiek, Duke Serkol, Smash Maniac - Overworld and Indoors music according ALTTP