Title: Espers Giveth, Espers Taketh Author: Lenophis Version: 0.2 Applies to: FF6us v1.0 Tested on: FF6us v1.0 bsnes accuracy core SNES console via SD2SNES Contents: Level Up.bps Level Up.ips Anti Level Up.bps Anti Level Up.ips levelup.asm readme.txt FF6-FWF.tbl ROM addresses: C0/BDE2 - C0/BDF1 C0/D7C0 - C0/D86D C2/0EAE - C2/0EBF C2/60F1 - C2/60F3 C2/614E - C2/615D C2/6658 - C2/6681 C3/5BF6 - C3/5C05 C3/5C06 - C3/5C1B now becomes free space CF/FEED - CF/FF6A ED/FD00 - ED/FFA6 Urgency: Very urgent if you are a rom hacker and like options! Ok, maybe not that urgent. But maybe! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Adds 6 new Esper levelup bonuses to the pool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: The Esper bonus pool has 2 unused entries, which originally were made into Evade + 1 and Magic Evade + 1. Eventually, it was suggested that Defense and Magic Defense also be added to the mix. Defense and Magic Defense each have a plus 1 and plus 2 bonus for the player. The anti-patches effectively remove this patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT YOU NEED TO DO! This patch is made for hack authors, not necessarily general-audience players. You need to hack the Esper bonuses in yourself! You can do this with a hex editor, with the bonuses at D8/6E00 in the Esper data. Otherwise, you can use Lord J's popular FF3usME utility to add them in. In hex, the new bonuses are hex entries 0x07, 0x08, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, and 0x14. Afterwards, fire up the game and have new fun leveling up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This patch was made specifically for the FF6 Worlds Collide randomizer. No effort was made to make sure this patch does not conflict with any other existing patches! In fact, count on it conflicting! Very Bad Thingsā„¢ will happen if you patch this to another hack, or apply it after patching out some bugs! Luckily for you, the assembly file was included, so all you need to do is change the addresses needed in bank C2, use xkas v0.6 and assemble it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND WARNING! This patch uses SRAM! It takes hold of the 48 bytes set aside for the Japanese-exclusive SwdTech naming that went unused in the US release for FF6. Since Gogo and Umaro cannot use Espers, it fit perfectly within all of SRAM. Each character uses 4 bytes for their bonuses, and 12 characters can equip Espers. Specifically, $1CF8 through $1D27 are now used for this patch. Because of this, it is *EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED* that players start a new game after applying said patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: November 6, 2020 v0.2 - Added safety check. Gogo and Umaro weren't properly accounted for when adding in the boosted values, so their evade, magic evade, defense, and magic defense would have been tainted. For Umaro, you may not have even noticed much of a difference because of his natural Snow Muffler. October 25, 2020 v0.1 - Initial version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Cecil - Pitched the idea of Defense and Magic Defense getting their own Esper bonuses.