Star Fox Exploration Showcase v8.45 Apply patch to Star Fox version 1.2 (Check bottom of readme for a quick reference guide) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES: >>Pre-game Mod Menu! Including: --Two player mode! (You can also press START2 on title screen to activate) *Dynamically adjusting frame/zoom level dependant on the ships' locations *Individual lives/bombs *In-game revival system! No more starting at checkpoints. *If either player loses all lives and dies, upon starting the next level they are revived. --Two player CPU mode to have a cpu teammate! Can't find a friend to play? Experience the full 2 player mode with a friend who will never leave you! --Four player CPU mode - play with the whole Starfox squad! --God Mode ---Includes Rapid/Infinite Bombs, No Collision and No Damage ---GOD NUKES (Hold R+Press A while in God Mode) (kills everything on screen) ---Super boost (hold X and press B while boosting for a super boost) --New Game+ mode! Only default laser enabled, does 1 damage instead of 4. Nukes do 3 damage instead of 8. Many new features disabled. Lives are increased for this mode! **** ---CHALLENGE MECHA LUIGI BY PLAYING NEW GAME+ MODE - ANDROSS'S CORE HAS CHANGED ---MECHA LUIGI WILL DESTROY THE UNIVERSE IF YOU DO NOT STOP HIM ---THIS IS NOT A DRILL **** --Level Features: Fun/Challenging things inserted into each level. --Endurance Mode: Back to Back Levels (Only available to enter in 1-1 and 4-1) ---Endurance Mode Path for Course 1: 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-3, 2-4, 3-5, 1-4, 2-6, 3-7 --Scored Edition! Play with the scoring system from Star Fox: Scored Edition ---(Check Scored Edition Changes.txt for more information how this system works) --SNES Mini mode to stop the crashing on SNES Mini --Rainbow Laser Mode --Random fire mode. Every shot fires a random weapon! --Model Size (1x/2x/4x) --Skip Scramble Screen --No Ground Dots --Dark Mode (No light hitting objects) --Palette selections for all models! --Slow/Fast BGM mode - makes the BGM throughout the game play at super slow/fast speeds --Disable BGM or SFX! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>In-Game Pause menu where you can change the following: --Weapons! (Including 29 new weapons+2 God Guns) **God Gun #99 destroys+Removes ALL objects shot. **God Gun #98 destroys any object in one shot --Turn on Double Shot for the new weapons --Ship Model Selection! --Step by Step mode! Move the game forward one frame at a time, or continue to process through frames by holding left or right (you can shoot and move up and down while holding left or right) --Freeze/Explore Mode: Remove the rails! Once activated, hit the brakes to stop moving completely! You can now control your movement fowards or backwards with X or B. --Fire Rate: adjust your fire rate! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>A new 4th course has opened! (Endurance Mode works for course 4 too!) >>Teammates actually help for a little while after saving them >>Swap between first person and third person on all levels in all areas >>Isometric/Alternate views - Left/Right/UP + Select >>Realistic cockpit mode! (Down + Select) >>Continuous Barrel Roll (Keep holding L or R when doing barrel roll) >>Infinite Braking/Infinite Boosting >>Rapid Fire >>Level Select (On Map, press X and Y) *Can access OOTD/Black Hole with Course 5/6 >>Spawn Helper Ball (Hold L, press X) >>On-Screen debug display --(Turn this as well as crosshair off/on by Holding B+Press X (4 different options)) >>In-Game Score System! (Optional) (Set on menu) >>Sound and music test! (See notes later in this readme) >>Model Test Mode: Select on title screen *B/Y to change the model *Hold A to "draw", release to "erase" *U/D/L/R to rotate *L/R buttons to zoom in/out --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>COMPLETE CAMERA CONTROL from player 2 joypad (UDLR - ABXY)* >>ALL RANGE TURNING with player 2 L + R buttons* **WHEN DOING ALL RANGE TURNING AND CAMERA VIEWING, OBJECTS WILL STOP UNLOADING SO YOU CAN EXPLORE. THIS WILL CAUSE THE LEVEL TO LOOP AND GO SLOW EVENTUALLY. TO RESUME THE UNLOADING AND SNAP BACK TO FORWARD POSITION: -HOLD L, R AND PRESS JOYPAD RIGHT ALL ON P1 CONTROLLER- OR RECENTER THE CAMERA WITHIN 5000 UNITS OF CENTER X and Y AXIS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>Small Fixes: -Increased difficulty of airlock boss on Titania -Increased HP of 1-5 boss Phantom -Increased node size for 3-6 boss Grand Commander -SNES Mini Mode to stop crashes on snes mini >>Misc Changes: -Restart game after credits run by hitting START in New Game+ Mode! -New intro/title screen/training level -Out of this Dimension leads to Black Hole after completion -Crosshair on normal view, color white -Teammates have unique colored ships --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***SFX/Music Test: On title screen, L and R to scroll up and down through the tracks. Press A and B to scroll up and down through the SFX Press Y to start the highlighted SFX/BGM Note some SFX are dependant on a particular BGM being played! Press X+Y to enable SUB BGM MODE (you will see a number appear on the top left) After this is up, hold X and press: Y to increase this number B to decrease this number A to play this subtrack (of the currently playing BGM) Press R after the last BGM to see the option to start Boss BGM test mode by pressing R again --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden Level Features: 1-1 - Play the level completely with Andross's boss fight background 2-1 - New palette for Corneria 3-1 - Another new palette for Corneria 1-2 - Spawns a group of smiling asteroids that leave black hole warps 2-2 - Displays a very short *special* credits before continuing the level 3-2 - Spawns a group of asteroids that all spawn the Out of this Dimension warp bird when destroyed 1-3 - Short additional fight with a mix of ships and a new background at the start of the level. 2-3 - Fight dodora bird at start of level, new background after weather change, extra fun enemies added 3-3 - Fight a funny Macbeth/Andross boss, new background swap for water section 1-4 - Walkers. Lots of them. Who doesn't like walkers? 2-4 - Enjoy another level using the final boss fight's background! 3-4 - Play inside the nucleus for the whole level. And then enter a nucleus within a nucleus. 1-5 - Is it the black hole? Nope, just 1-5. 2-5 - There is a temporal distortion messing with the background! 3-5 - Play Macbeth with a flowing watery type background. 1-6 - Complete the "THE END" puzzle to continue. 2-6 - Nothing yet... 3-6 - It's like that scene from Out of this Dimension but without the slot machine. 3-7 - Replay the training level on Venom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons: 0: Default 1: Dual Laser 2: Dual Beamball 3: Cross Laser 4: Quintouple Laser 5: Plasma Ball 6: Oval Beam 7: Ring Laser 8: Fireball 9: Flamethrower 10: Black Hole 11: Electric Shock 12: Space Debris 13: Iron Ball 14: Asteroid 15: Amoeba 16: Escapee 17: Firebreath 18: Missile 19: Chicken Missile 20: Water Gun 21: Smoke Gun 22: Spikey Ball 23: Egg Shooter 24: Arwing Shooter 25: Andross Shooter 26: Nano Wasp 27: Nucleus Beam 28: Super Homing Laser 29: Shotgun 98: God Gun (No Obj Removal) 99: God Gun ----------------------------------------------------------- Quick Reference: (Hold)(Press) - (Details) (DOWN)+Select - Cockpit Mode (LEFT)+Select - Left Iso View (RIGHT)+Select - Right Iso View (UP)+Select - Far View L+X - Helper Ball Spawn (Up to 3 at a time) B+X - Turn on/off Crosshair, debug + extended debug R+A - God Nuke (God Mode Only) X+B - Super Boost (God Mode Only) (L+R)+Right - Recenter camera view/ship On Title Screen: B and A buttons to cycle SFX number L and R buttons to cycle BGM number Y to play BGM X+Y to enable sub bgm mode (Number appears on top left corner of screen) -X+Y to increase sub bgm number -X+B to decrease sub bgm number -X+A to start sub bgm On Title Screen, START2 - 2 player mode On Title Screen, SELECT - Model Test Mode For Testing: (L+A)+START - Kill P1 (L2+A2)+START2 - Kill P2 (L+R)+SELECT - End Stage Immediately God+ mode (for NG+) - ???? (If you hang to the left, Dr. Dr. LuLu is a BAStart. While GOD is highlighted, of course.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Isometric View + Camera Control from P2 controller: Starxxon Code/Graphics Contributors: YaoYao, CoolK Boring Gruntwork/Research: CoolK All other code: kandowontu Idea contributors: SunlitSpace542, Juno, CoolK, Agent Sanic, DoctorWarez, delta, many others. Testing: CoolK, Pikangs, Talnova, delta, sfan, The Angry Scotsman, DoctorWarez, Brozilla, Chris Highwind, kaine23, Random Stuff Discord Link: Huge thanks ALL of the original developers. Your code is beautiful. Huge thanks to Nintendo for not giving me a C&D yet! This should never be sold under any circumstances. xoxo -kando