ARKANOID REBLOCKED While the SNES is well known for it's great Jump & Run games and it's brilliant RPGs, it has some quite nice casual games too. Arkanoid is one of them, but it's too long for a quick gaming session and the difficulty level is frustrating sometimes - so why not make an own version? Arkanoid Reblocked features 38 Videogame related levels and a playtime of roundabout one hour. The difficulty is quite fair so it's suitable to play it with your kids or your non-pro-gamer-friends too. The Zip-File contains 2 patches: One for the US-version of Arkanoid, one for the PAL-version. If everything went well with patching the checksum for the game should be ok. Arkanoid Reblocked was done by: Hacking Svambo Editor coding Dom aka Doke Graphic Decompression ManakoDE Level Design Poe ffmcloud Svambo Dom aka Doke Advice & Support Sportklaus Micah Bredator Krischan This little hack was developed while creating an editor for the game called ArkanEdit. It will soon be released on too. Greetings to all the great guys on,, and everyone who still loves the SNES in 2020. :-)