+ +++ +++++ +++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ + + +++ +++ +++++ +++++ +++++++ +++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++++ +++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Proto "Zelda 3 Prototype Reconstruction" v1.0 game developed and published by Nintendo for the Super NES, ©1991-1992 prototype graphics drawn by Masanao Arimoto and Tsuyoshi Watanabe reconstruction made by SePH version 1.0 - December 31st, 2020 /\ /__\========================================================================= /\ /\ D I S C L A I M E R /__\/__\======================================================================= This prototype is an is an interpretation of various development phases of the game based on the Alttp prototype assets. This is not an authentic prototype nor does it represent a single or specific point of development. For more content and information visit TCRF wiki's Alttp Proto page at: https://tcrf.net/Proto:The_Legend_of_Zelda:_A_Link_to_the_Past /\ /__\========================================================================= /\ /\ P R O T O T Y P E F E A T U R E S /__\/__\======================================================================= * Overworld, Dungeons, Items and Sprites graphical changes * Brand new overworlds based on the earliest World Map * All prototype dungeon rooms implemented * Implemented prototype HUD * Health as been reduced to 16 hearts * Jump Shoes to jump over large gaps * Armos Knights Prototype AI This is a result of 4 months (maybe 5) of "behind the scenes" hard work, a few assembly hacks and fixes etc. This game was known as A Link To The Past and only has been renamed into A Link To The Proto for the release to stand on it's own. There is a lot of changes, I tried to add as much prototype assets into the game, but unfortunately due to the multiple iterations of the same tilesets and a rather limited space for graphics, only a few select ones made it into the reconstruction. But still, there is a lot of places to explore and many unseen things to discover from the proto content that was cut from the final vanilla release from Nintendo. That's it for a brief introduction... I hope you enjoy playing this hack as much as I had fun "reconstructing" a playable prototype! /\ /__\========================================================================= /\ /\ P A T C H I N G T H E G A M E /__\/__\======================================================================= First things first, to play A Link To The Proto you will need: 1. The included patch 2. A patching program such as LunarIPS (LIPS) 3. A copy of Zelda A Link To The Past (U) WITHOUT HEADER (Don't bother asking for the rom!) 4. Other useful Information: Name: Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (USA).sfc Date: 1996-12-25 Size: 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes) -------- SHA-1: 6d4f10a8b10e10dbe624cb23cf03b88bb8252973 MD5: 608c22b8ff930c62dc2de54bcd6eba72 CRC32: 777aac2f You can find a guide on how to use LIPS at romhacking[dot]net /\ /__\========================================================================= /\ /\ S P E C I A L T H A N K S /__\/__\======================================================================= This hack would not be what it is without contributions from the following: Zarby89 For the prototype dungeon rooms he found and for his CGX Viewer Tool BlackTelomeres For the many discoveries he posted of the TCRF Alttp Proto Wiki and Alpha Testing CeliceTheGreat For some discoveries he also posted on the TCRF Alttp Proto Wiki and Positiveness Scawful For being always there and being our official spokesman during the times of need Conn For the Jump Shoes prototype item and general fixes xanonymous For the Armos Knights prototype AI and the disclaimer Masanao Arimoto and Tsuyoshi Watanabe For drawing all the unused, yet wonderful prototype assets