-=-=-=-Samus Combat Armor-=-=-=- By Munchy, Jul 2020 This is predominantly designed to be as vanilla an adaptation as possible so that, hopefully, you can introduce it into your hacks should you want to. Samus has been significantly repointed but does not take up any new room (everything is repointed within existing tilemap/vram space) some Notes: - Samus shoots slightly higher than in her power armor. This can have implications for gameplay so be aware of that. - missile/energy/map stations will all look a little off the mark when she uses them. - Thanks to some repointing, Samus now features exhausted poses when standing aiming left/right on low health. Massive thanks to PJBoy, Crashtour99 and SMILEUser96 Special mention to Auximines for having the guts to make Justin Bailey /without/ an editor. Without your "boxing" technique across Samus' tilesets, I wouldn't have been able to find free VRAM so easily, thanks! See you next mission ;p version notes: v1.1.0 - added new main menu icons to replace the Power Armor Helmet - Replaced Samus' visor shot in introduction messages for custom face model v1.0.4 - some minor pose fixes around Mother Brain draining poses and Large Metroid draining v1.0.0 - initial release