FINAL FANTASY V SUPER CUSTOM CLASSES v1.00 (Mar 3 2021) Quick Find: Press Ctrl + F and type in the keyword, then press Enter to search for the section. TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer .. [DSC1] Overview .... [OVR2] Changelog ... [CHG4] Credits ..... [CRD5] ==================================================================================================== Disclaimer [DSC1] ========== - Final Fantasy V (c) Square Enix. All rights reserved. - No ownership is claimed by FlamePurge over Final Fantasy V or the franchise from which it originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc. is strictly prohibited. - This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis. FlamePurge is not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while using this patch. - Apply this patch only to an Unheadered "Final Fantasy V (J) [!].sfc" with the following specifications: Hashes: CRC32 - C1BC267D MD5 - D69B2115E17D1CF2CB3590D3F75FEBB9 SHA1 - E937B54FFF99838E2E853697E4F559359AA91FD6 - While targeted at the Japanese original ROM, this patch is compatible with any unofficial fan translation to other languages. - Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original game file in case an error occurs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy V's Job system is highly lauded, but the majority of Jobs force the !Fight and !Item commands on top of the command specific to the Job itself, e.g. !Guard or !Throw. For FFV Advance, Ludmeister made a mod called Custom Classes that allows players more control over character ability customization. To quote Ludmeister, "You are allowed the maximum leeway granted by the game's engine to assign commands and abilities that you have earned as you progress through the game." Myself, I vastly prefer the SNES original to any other version of FFV, so I'd always wanted someone to port Custom Classes to SNES. And as that old adage says, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." You may notice that many of Ludmeister's "under the hood" upgrades did not make it in. It may seem strange to label something "Super" while being a functional downgrade over its prior incarnation, but the name is simply inspired by the many SNES games titled with the word "Super." ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Overview ======== - [Applied Patch] Three Slots (HatZen08), which allows a Job to have 3 customizable command slots. - Rearranged Job command lists as they're laid out in Custom Classes; !Fight can now be removed from most Jobs' lists. - [Applied Patch] Always Learning (Tzepish), so all Jobs learn Blue Magic innately. - Shuffled around the Blue Mage's learned Ability list so players don't waste time acquiring Learning, now a useless Ability. - [Applied Patch] Galuf Mimic Sprite (Grond). - [Applied Patch] Sprite Touch-ups (Chicken Knife), cleaning up many of the battle sprites for all Jobs. - Many Jobs can use more types of equipment for variety. - !MgSword can now be used with katana. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Changelog ========= v1.0 (Mar 3 2021) - [Applied Patch] Three Slots (HatZen08) This frees the latter 3 command slots of each Job for deeper customization. - Most Job command lists no longer have !Fight up top by default. Instead, the Job-associated command takes that spot. !Fight and !Item are still automatically assigned upon choosing a new Job, but they can both be changed. For example, a Knight will have: !Guard !Fight [auto-assigned, removable/customizable] [blank, customizable] !Item [auto-assigned, removable/customizable] !Fight and !Item will now appear in the Abilities pool. - [Applied Patch] Always Learning (Tzepish) All Jobs will be able to learn Blue Magic without needing Passive Ability Learning equipped. - The Blue Mage's learned Abilities are now different, as Learning is now worthless. Further, spending 250 ABP to acquire !Analyze was always an awful mastery reward. LV 1 ( 1 ABP) - Learning LV 2 (10 ABP) - !Observe LV 3 (20 ABP) - !Analyze LV 4 (70 ABP) - !Blue - [Applied Patch] Galuf Mimic Sprite (Grond) This gives Galuf a visible sprite for his Mimic Job. While serving no functional purpose, it's useful for those attempting a Four Job Fiesta type playthrough. - [Applied Patch] Sprite Touch-ups (Chicken Knife) The sprites of all Jobs have many errors and inconsistencies, famously Bartz's right-handed swinging sprite as a Blue Mage. Job sprites are nicely tidied up with this patch. - !MgSword can be used with katana. (Thanks: Chronosplit) - Ludmeister's Custom Classes allows all Jobs to equip things they weren't able to in the original game. For the most part, I've ported these over. ------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB | ORIGINAL | CUSTOM CLASSES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight | Knives Swords | Swords Greatswords | Greatswords Shields | Axes Hammers | Heavy Helms Light Armor | Shields Heavy Helms | Heavy Armor | Light Armor Heavy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Monk | Light Helms Light Armor | Tossblades Light Helms | | Light Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thief | Knives Tossblades | Knives Ninjablades | Light Helms Light Armor | Swords Bows | | Tossblades Shields | | Light Helms Light Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragoon | Knives Spears | Swords Greatswords | Shields Heavy Helms | Spears Shields | Light Armor Heavy Armor | Heavy Helms Light Armor | | Heavy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja | Knives Ninjablades | Knives Ninjablades | Light Helms Light Armor | Tossblades Light Helms | | Light Armor Note: Disallowed Katana from OG Custom Classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Samurai | Knives Katana | Katana Swords | Shields Heavy Helms | Greatswords Spears | Light Armor Heavy Armor | Tossblades Shields | | Heavy Helms Light Armor | | Heavy Armor Note: Disallowed Ninjablades from OG Custom Classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Berserker | Knives Axes | Greatswords Axes | Hammers Shields | Hammers Shields | Heavy Helms Light Armor | Heavy Helms Light Armor | Heavy Armor | Heavy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter | Knives Bows | Knives Spears | Light Helms Light Armor | Axes Bows | | Tossblades Shields | | Light Helms Heavy Helms | | Light Armor Note: Disallowed Swords from OG Custom Classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Knight | Knives Swords | Knives Ninjablades | Shields Heavy Helms | Katana Swords | Light Armor Heavy Armor | Greatswords Tossblades | | Shields Heavy Helms | | Mage Helms Light Armor | | Heavy Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- White Mage | Staves Mage Helms | Hammers Staves | Mage Armor | Shields Heavy Helms | | Mage Helms Heavy Armor | | Mage Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Mage | Knives Rods | Knives Rods | Mage Helms Mage Armor | Staves Mage Helms | | Mage Armor Ribbon Gear ------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Mage | Knives Rods | Knives Rods | Staves Mage Helms | Staves Bells | Mage Armor | Mage Helms Mage Armor | | Ribbon Gear ------------------------------------------------------------------- Summoner | Knives Rods | Knives Rods | Mage Helms Mage Armor | Staves Whips | | Mage Helms Mage Armor | | Ribbon Gear ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Mage | Knives Swords | Knives Swords | Rods Light Helms | Rods Whips | Mage Helms Light Armor | Light Helms Mage Helms | Mage Armor | Light Armor Mage Armor Note: Disallowed Katana from OG Custom Classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Mage | Knives Swords | Knives Swords | Rods Staves | Greatswords Rods | Light Helms Mage Helms | Staves Shields | Light Armor Mage Armor | Light Helms Heavy Helms | | Mage Helms Light Armor | | Mage Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mediator | Knives Whips | Knives Spears | Light Helms Light Armor | Whips Heavy Helms | | Light Helms Light Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemist | Knives Staves | Knives Hammers | Light Helms Mage Helms | Staves Bells | Light Armor Mage Armor | Light Helms Mage Helms | | Light Armor Mage Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Geomancer | Knives Bells | Knives Swords | Mage Helms Mage Armor | Axes Bells | | Shields Light Helms | | Mage Helms Light Armor | | Mage Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bard | Knives Harps | Knives Bows | Mage Helms Mage Armor | Harps Tossblades | | Light Helms Mage Helms | | Light Armor Mage Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dancer | Knives Light Helms | Knives Ninjablades | Mage Helms Light Armor | Spears Katana | Mage Armor Ribbon Gear | Staves Whips | | Tossblades Light Helms | | Mage Helms Light Armor | | Mage Armor Ribbon Gear ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mimic | Knives Rods | Knives Ninjablades | Staves Tossblades | Spears Rods | Shields Heavy Helms | Staves Tossblades | Light Helms Mage Helms | Shields Heavy Helms | Heavy Armor Light Armor | Light Helms Mage Helms | Mage Armor | Heavy Armor Light Armor | | Mage Armor Note: Disallowed Whips, Bows, Ribbon Gear from OG Custom Classes. Allowed Heavy Helms, Heavy Armor like in OG FFV. ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Did not shuffle around which Jobs are gained at each Crystal as in OG Custom Classes. I wouldn't have implemented this even if I were able. - Did not implement the "global Passive Abilities" feature of OG Custom Classes. It felt overpowered. - Did not recalculate character stats as OG Custom Classes did. - Did not change how Abilities establish a minimum stat rating, as OG Custom Classes did. - Did not alter starting equipment as OG Custom Classes did. - Did not alter any Job's ABP costs as OG Custom Classes did, aside from Blue Mage which was changed by my decision. - Did not alter any shop inventories as OG Custom Classes did. - Did not modify weapon efficacy as OG Custom Classes did. - Was unable to properly give Normal !White L.1 and !Black L.1, despite that I badly wanted to. FFV doesn't seem to initialize this correctly upon starting a New Game. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Credits ======= - Ludmeister: Custom Classes - HatZen08: Three Slots - Samurai Goroh: FFV Editor - Chicken Knife: Sprite Touch-ups - Tzepish: Always Learning - Grond: Galuf Mimic Sprite - Chronosplit: Idea to mark katana as !MgSword OK ...And all you Final Fantasy fans out there! ====================================================================================================