Mallory P. Maggiore, 2005, 2022 e-mail: The Ultimate Zombies Ate My Neighbors Hack First Release: January 3, 2005 Version 2.0 Release: March 8, 2022 Thanks to Stanley Decker, who was the inspiration for the great Level 18 of this hack. (From Version 1.0) This is likely not to be the final release of the hack. Most notably, the level titles remain unchanged, as I've really no clue how to, but the tentative level titles are listed below. Also, the "credits" are minimally changed, as I don't really know _how_ to without removing the credits completely, which I would not wish to do. And it wasn't! 17 years late, maybe, but finally a much-needed update! What's been changed: *Titles! All levels now have their titles shown properly! *Two all-new levels: Bonus Level 1 (originally a copy of Level 0) and the Credit Level (originally almost completely unchanged from the original)! *Slight changes to some levels, either to make some parts slightly easier, occasionally making a tourist couple into a different neighbor, or to make the levels a bit more in line with my original intent for the level, but wasn't able to do before, what with ZAMN hacking in its infancy in 2005. *Backward item cycling is a thing now. A feature I'd have never known how to implement back in 2005. *Level 23 is still Level 23. Still as "fun" as ever XD