Title: New Treasure Chest options Author: TheNPCnextDoor Version: 1.0.1 Applies to: FF6us v1.0, FF6us v1.1 (both unheadered) Tested on: FF6us v1.0 Contents: asm/esper_name.asm asm/general_actions.asm asm/item_name.asm asm/treasure_chest.txt New Treasure Chest Options v1.0.1.ips README.txt ROM addresses: C0/4C3A, C0/4C4F-C0/4CA1, C0/4CAC-C0/4CBF, C0/4CC1 C0/8412-C0/8421 C0/9926-C0/9927, C0/9962-C0/9963, C0/9966-C0/9967 C0/D613-C0/D62B, C0/D62E-C0/D714 CC/FD10, CC/FD12, CC/FD14, CC/FD16, CC/FD18, CC/FD1A, CC/FD1C, CC/FD1E, CC/FD20 CC/FE1A-CC/FE1B CE/DDD1-CE/DE58, CE/DE5A-CE/DE69, CE/DE6B-CE/DE8A, CE/DE8C-CE/DECC CE/EFAF-CE/EFC7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: FF6 offers 4 types of Treasure Chests: * Item * Monster-In-A-Box! * Gold * Empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: It adds two new types to this list: * Rare Item * Esper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use this patch: Out of the box, this patch will seemingly have no effect. To use it, you must modify the types and contents of treasure chests. The data is located at ED/8634. Each treasure chest is composed of 5 bytes: * Its X coordinate * Its Y coordinate * The location of its activation in the RAM * Its type * Its content The accepted values for the types are: * 0x80: Gold * 0x40: Item * 0x20: Monster-In-A-Box Plus the newly added values: * 0x10: Esper * 0x08: Rare Item Now, for the content byte, the accepted values are inclusively: * 0x00 to 0x1A for Espers * 0x00 to 0x13 for Rare Items NB: If you choose to put Coral in a chest, it will also increase the internal counter of your totals of Coral by one. Like in the original game, there is no current way of knowing the current quantity. However, please note that the address in the RAM dealing with the number of Corals is shared with the value of Cid's Health. Both are located at $1FD0. In vanilla, it doesn't matter since both events can never interfere with each other. So, if you want to put Corals in chests for some kind of treasure hunt, for example, you will have to modify the events that touch that value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: v1.0 - July 25, 2021 Initial release. v1.0.1 - July 26, 2021 Fixed a bug that prevented the Coral quantity to be updated. Added info about Corals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Imzogelmo - For writing the document about chest data and the disassembly of the C0 bank. Madsiur and Assassin - They answered by numerous questions in the FF6hacking forum when I first tackled this hack in 2018. Voragain - This man heard me talked about this project and its multiple iterations too many times for me to count. Yet, he was always interested and convinced me to release the MVP I was sitting on for months. Thanks, bro! Serity - Serity's eagerness to improve upon this patch made me realize that there was a bug in the code.