------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Ocean no-S-DD1/96Mbit hack Version 1.0 - unknown date of creation Created by neviksti ================================================================================================= Information ================================================================================================= I am not the author of this hack but I was given permission to upload a patch for it. This patch will remove the need of the S-DD1 chip thus expanding the size of the ROM to 96Mbit (12MB). The purpose of this hack is to be able to play the ROM on real hardware using a GF7 backup unit, a flash cart or a custom cart. This hack is not meant to be used with an emulator. The archive should contain two patches, they are not interchangable. If you wish to apply this hack to an untranslated Star Ocean ROM, you must use the JPN patch. If you wish to apply this hack to a DeJap translated Star Ocean ROM, you must use the ENG patch. If you have an original (untranslated) JPN Star Ocean ROM that you want to patch for translation AND this hack, you must use the DeJap patch first (via DeJap's instructions) then the ENG patch. If you use this patch first then try to use the DeJap patch it wont work! This ROM uses an unusual mapper that is not compatible with most emulators. Super Sleuth is an emulator that is able to handle this mapper, so use it to test your ROM. Again, this ROM is not meant to be used with emulators but on real hardware. ================================================================================================= Archive ================================================================================================= The archive (Star Ocean 96Mbit patch.zip) should contain the following files: ˇ96Mbit_SO_ENG.xdelta -Use this patch on a DeJap translated Star Ocean ROM ˇ96Mbit_SO_JPN.xdelta -Use this patch on an original JPN Star Ocean ROM ˇREAD ME.txt -What you are reading right now ================================================================================================= How to Patch ================================================================================================= To patch your ROM you will need the following: ˇxdelta patching program -xdelta UI (http://www.romhacking.net/utils/598/) ˇStar Ocean ROM -translated or not, find it on your own ˇA patch from this archive -ENG or JPN, not both ˇAn Emulator for testing -Super Sleuth (see below) 1. Extract the patch you want to use. 2. Patch the ROM as per the instructions of the program you're using. 3. Verify the ROM is 96Mbits/12MB and load it in Super Sleuth to test. 4. Load the ROM into your GF7 or onto your flash cart and enjoy! ================================================================================================= Help ================================================================================================= I do not know of any bugs that exist in this hack. Again, I am not the creator, I just made a patch for it. If you need help, search the internet. The information is out there. ================================================================================================= Disclaimer ================================================================================================= Star Ocean and all occurrences of related context to their sotfware are registered trademarks of Square Enix, Inc. The creator of this hack, and its patch, are not affiliated with Square Enix, Inc. and are not responsible for any loss or damage of material/software of the user. A "patch" is not illegal. If you do not agree with this disclaimer, do not use this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have a nice day ;)