Title: Border Crossing Author: Imzogelmo, Lenophis, Novalia Spirit Version: v1.0a Applies to: FF6us v1.0, FF6us v1.1, FF6j, FF6A (JUE) Tested on: FF6us v1.0, FF6A (JUE) Contents: Border Crossing US - header.ips Border Crossing US - no header.ips Border Crossing Japan - header.ips Border Crossing Japan - no header.ips Border Crossing GBA.ips Anti Border Crossing US - header.ips Anti Border Crossing US - no header.ips Anti Border Crossing Japan - header.ips Anti Border Crossing Japan - no header.ips Anti Border Crossing GBA.ips readme.txt - this thing you are reading. ROM addresses: C0/C1B2 - C0/C1B4 - US versions C0/C1B9 - C0/C1BB - US versions C0/C0E4 - C0/C0E7 - Japanese version C0/C0EB - C0/C0ED - Japanese version 08001C10 & 08001C11 - GBA versions 08001C14 & 08001C15 - GBA versions Urgency: A mystery value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: On an overworld map, battles are determined by choosing a formation from a group within 32x32 tile zone. The game calculates the zone based on the coordinates of the party. However, the zone calculation is not run on each step, but rather on each redraw of the map. Examples of redraws include exiting battle, exiting the menu, and exiting a town. It is easy to see this bug by entering and exiting the menu at a boundary where the enemy formations change, then walking into the adjacent zone until a battle is triggered. Monsters will appear from the previous zone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Corrects the behavior by loading from variables that are updated every step. The anti patches effectively remove this patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0a - February 3, 2010 Added patches for GBA versions, patch otherwise unchanged. v1.0 - January 19, 2010 Initial patch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Mnrogar: For originally discovering this bug.