FINAL FANTASY VI T-EDITION & FINAL FANTASY VI T-EDITION EX ENGLISH TRANSLATION PATCHES version A Released November 14, 2021 by Tomato Based on Japanese ROM hacks v2.9.4 + EX 1.6.3 by Tsushiy ------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT TO EXPECT: FF6 T-Edition is a popular Japanese ROM hack of Final Fantasy VI for the Super Famicom. It's intended for Final Fantasy VI fans who would like to play the game with new twists. Think of Final Fantasy VI T-Edition as a fun, lengthy, and more difficult version of Final Fantasy VI from an alternate universe. In simple terms, this ROM hack: - Retains the original story, but adds a LOT of new content *around* the main story, including side quests, locations, dungeons, super-bosses, unlockable character costumes (each with stat changes), a music player, and more - Celebrates the Final Fantasy series in countless ways, including hundreds of pieces of music from other games in the series - Updates the game's mechanics with bug fixes, difficulty modifications, new spells, new attacks, new items, and a whole lot more ------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES! - This hack is *NOT* compatible with save files from standard Final Fantasy III (SNES) or standard Final Fantasy VI (SNES) ROMs - If you need technical help or gameplay help, please post your questions/problems here: - This Japanese ROM hack was developed many years ago using older tools and emulators. For this reason, some music tracks might sound strange on actual hardware and on modern, accuracy-based emulators. If this is a concern, then I recommend using: * Snes9x emulator version 1.51 or earlier * Snes9x emulator version 1.6 or later, but you'll need to go to "Emulation" in the top menu, select "Hacks", press "OK" if it gives you a notice, make sure "Separate Echo Buffer from RAM" is checkmarked, then click "OK" ------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE THESE PATCHES: - First, note there are two patches included: * FF6-T-Edition-English-versionA.ips * FF6-T-Edition-EX-English-versionA.ips (You can ignore the second "EX" patch until you've completed the first patch. Think of the second patch as super-difficult, post-game DLC for the main patch) - Apply the patch of your choosing to a Japanese Final Fantasy VI Super Famicom ROM. It *must* be the 1.0 version of the Japanese ROM, and *must* have a CRC of: 45EF5AC8 - If you're unfamiliar with how IPS translation patches work and/or the information immediately above makes zero sense to you, see here for more details and directions: In most cases, you can simply name your original FFVI ROM something like "ff6t.smc" and then rename your chosen patch to "ff6t.ips", put them in the same folder, and then load "ff6t.smc" in your preferred emulator. - The bonus EX patch requires the player to defeat Ultima in the main FF6 T-Edition patch. Once you've done this, go to the "Developer's Room" in Narshe's Beginner's House, then go to the "Mog House" room. Next, save your game at the save spot in the room. We need to do a "save swap" now. It's kind of like swapping memory cards in real life, but it just involves renaming your save file on the computer instead. Close your emulator, then find your FF6 T-Edition save file on your computer. Usually, it's the same name as the ROM's name, except with ".srm" at the end. So if you're playing "ff6t.smc", then your save file is probably in a folder marked "Saves" and is probably called "ff6t.srm". Make a backup copy of this file in case something goes wrong! (If you haven't already, apply the EX patch to a **CLEAN** Final Fantasy VI v1.0 Japanese ROM, and call it "ff6t-ex.smc".) Now, rename your save file to match the EX ROM's name. So if your EX ROM is named "ff6t-ex.smc", then rename your save file "ff6t-ex.srm". Make sure the newly renamed save file is still in the same folder that the original save file was in. Once you've done this, load your EX ROM in your emulator, and if all went well, you should wake up in the Mog House again, but with a new door available. If you're having trouble getting this to work, you can find more help at: ------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN BUGS: Final Fantasy VI T-Edition changes many things in the game's programming. As such, sometimes unintended bugs pop up from time to time. I fixed as many as I could, but because this is primarily a translation patch, some of the bugs in the original Japanese patch are still present in the English translation. Some known bugs include: - Some of the added music tracks sound incorrect on modern emulators and on actual hardware, see above for workarounds if this bothers you - Character sprites might have odd coloring in specific situations, such as when first starting a multi-party dungeon - Sometimes Relics might get grayed out in the Relic equip menu. You can still equip them, though! This mostly seemed to happen late in the game for me. - Auto-Optimize after a relic equip/unequip can sometimes result in an oddly formatted text message - Locke's "Sky Pirate" costume isn't listed as an option in the EX patch - Using "Libra" on the "Tonberries" enemy will result in an empty name appearing - There are many more, I'll add them as I remember them to the list at: ------------------------------------------------------------- NEW EVENT DETAILS: ==Ruby's Shine== Talk to Alvis in Narshe after completing the Magitek Factory. Alternatively, talk to an old man in Narshe after the world ends. ==Test of Strength== Talk to Alvis in Narshe after completing the Magitek Factory. Alternatively, talk to an old man in Narshe after the world ends. ==Stolen Magicite== Complete the Magitek Factory, then talk to a bandit in Tzen. You can purchase his magicite then, or wait until after the world ends to get a better price. ==Deep Earth Dweller== Check the ground beneath the big staircase on the way to the Sealed Gate. This location reopens near the very end of the game, so if you miss it during the World of Balance, you can still do it later on too. ==Encounter== Gilgamesh will make his first appearance on the Phantom Train. ==Reunion== Gilgamesh makes another appearance in Zozo. Having Sabin or Cyan in your party will result in extra dialogue. ==Battle on the Big Bridge?== Gilgamesh appears again on the path to the Sealed Gate ==Collection Room== The Beginner's House in Narshe has a bunch of new rooms for you to explore. As you collect key items and complete certain events, new items will be displayed here with some extra information. There's also a large art gallery room that will fill up with paintings every time you defeat a boss in the bonus EX patch. ==Achievement Room== The Beginner's House also includes two rooms that keep track of what could be considered modern-day video game "achievements". Books in the rooms provide hints on how to fulfill achievement requirements. Only 20 achievements are programmed currently. ==New Game Plus== After you acquire the Falcon in the World of Ruin, you can start the game over with your current stats, equipment, etc. by talking to the man at the counter in the Beginner's House. The following carry over in a New Game Plus game: - Items (but not story/key items) - Spell learning percentages - Magicite - Blue Magic, Rages, Dances - Total play time - Total steps taken - Total number of ability uses (for achievements) ==Legendary Fiend Humbaba== In the World of Ruin, shop prices are double until Humbaba has been defeated and Terra joins the party. ==Repopulating Narshe== In the World of Ruin, Narshe is mostly deserted. Once you've talked to Banon in Narshe about the citizens, you can find refugees in locations around the world. Talking to them will send them back to Narshe. Once you've repopulated the town completely, the town elder will give you the Ragnarok magicite. Some returnees will even re-open their shops in Narshe. Refugee locations: Thamasa, Coliseum, Kohlingen, Tzen, Fanatics' Tower, inside the Zone Eater, South Figaro ==In Search of the Mystical Weapons== After receiving the Ragnarok magicite, speak to the weapon salesman in Narshe. You'll be asked to find three unique materials to create a Ragnarok sword. Afterward, the man will speak of an even more powerful sword that requires three other materials: the Omega Plate (won from Omega on the way to the ancient underground castle), the Gil Turtle Shell (won from the Gil Turtle on the way to the Sealed Gate), and the Shinryu Fang (won from Shinryu on the way to the Sealed Gate after the World of Ruin) Returning to the weapon salesman with these materials will net you the powerful Omega Weapon. ==Titan== In the World of Ruin, return to where the frozen esper at the beginning of the game was located. Defeat the Titan esper to obtain the Titan magicite. ==Descendants of the Summoners== In the World of Ruin, talk to Alvis in Narshe about summoners. Go to Thamasa and talk to the elder there. Defeat the esper to obtain the Mist Dragon magicite. ==Odin== Check Odin's statue in the ancient underground castle. Defeat him, and you'll gain the Odin magicite. Check the princess' statue below to obtain the Zantetsuken sword. ==Lord of the Seas== In the World of Ruin, talk to Alvis in Narshe about Leviathan. Go to Cid's island and check the magicite on the beach. Defeat Leviathan in battle to gain his magicite. ==Love Eternal== After defeating Leviathan, speak to a woman in Maranda. Defeat Asura in battle to gain her magicite. ==The Eight Dragons== Defeat all eight dragons scattered around the world. After the following cutscene, talk to Setzer aboard the airship. Defeat Bahamut in battle to earn his magicite. The eight dragons can be found here: Storm Dragon: Mt. Zozo Freeze Dragon: Narshe snowfield Earth Dragon: Opera House Red Dragon: Phoenix Cave Holy Dragon: Fanatics' Tower Blue Dragon: Ancient Castle Yellow Dragon: Veldt Cave Skull Dragon: Ebot Rock Cave ==Diabolos== After finishing Cyan's dream sequence, check the throne room in the castle. Defeat Diabolos to earn its magicite. ==Sealed Legends== In the World of Ruin, speak to Banon in Narshe about the twelve legendary weapons. Go to the ancient underground castle, and check the room behind the main throne room. Inspect the sealed weapons, then return to Banon. Next, speak to a scholar in Figaro Castle. He will speak of four elemental crystals defended by powerful guardians. With each guardian you defeat, you can unseal three sealed weapons of your choosing. You can do these four mini-quests in any order. Talk to Gau, Cyan, Locke, and Setzer aboard the airship for clues on where to find the crystals and their guardians. Water Crystal: Veldt Cave, check the wall near the sound of flowing water Earth Crystal: Darill's Tomb, check the back of the tombstone Fire Crystal: Phoenix Cave, where you found Locke Wind Crystal: Mt. Zozo, check a shiny spot at the summit ==Father and Daughter== In the World of Ruin, have Shadow and Strago in your party, then go inside Strago's house in Thamasa. ==A Mother's Love== In the World of Ruin, have Relm and Strago in your party, then go inside Strago's house in Thamasa. ==Successorship== In the World of Ruin, have Sabin visit Duncan's house north of Narshe. Defeat Vargas to learn Sabin's ultimate Blitz technique. ==Hopes and Feelings== Defeat Deathgaze, then return to Cid with Locke and Celes in the party. ==Monsters Love It== After finding Locke in the World of Ruin, have Gau try to reunite with his father. After the reunion attempt fails, talk to Gau's father again to lure all of the world's monsters onto the Veldt. ==Owzer's Collection== Talk to Owzer in Jidoor after finding Relm and after defeating Deathgaze. ==Unexpected Skill== Defeat Deathgaze, then put Umaro into your party. Revisit Umaro's cave and check his bone sculpture. Note that this will make it impossible to complete "Owzer's Collection", so do this afterward! ==The Last Flying Dragon== Defeat the boss at the top of the Fanatics' Tower. Then talk to a character at the bottom of the tower about a flying dragon. Return to the top of the tower to face the flying dragon in battle. Give it Dried Meat to end the battle and earn your reward. You can buy it in Mobliz after Terra rejoins the party. ==Molulu's Present== In the World of Ruin, put Mog and Umaro in your party, then talk to Molulu in the Moogles' cave. ==Worrying Priestess== After unlocking the Dressing Room in the airship, put Sabin in your party and talk to the Priestess in Figaro Castle. This will unlock one of his alternate costumes. ==Mother's Warmth== With Terra in the party, check a box in Maduin's house in the Esper Village. This will unlock a new costume for her. ==Showdown at the Coliseum== Obtain the legendary sealed weapon Excalibur. Talk to Gilgamesh at the coliseum and defeat him in battle. This event will still work even if you've removed the sword from your inventory - you just need to obtain it once. ==Long Live Ultros== Talk to Ultros at the coliseum. Offer to pay off his debt. He'll repay his debt to you during a boss battle in Kefka's Tower. ==Return to the Sealed Gate== Have Terra rejoin the party at some point, then defeat the three members of the Warring Triad in Kefka's Tower. Leave, then talk to Banon in Narshe. This opens up a new path on the road to the ancient underground castle. Take the new path to head back to the Sealed Gate. Along the way, you'll have to fight an esper in battle before you can enter the Esper Village. In the village, talk to the elder. Talk to him again with Terra in the party to receive a special piece of equipment. ==Wandering Shadow== In the World of Ruin, talk to Banon in Narshe about the Floating Continent. Climb the tower north of the Veldt, then traverse the Floating Continent. Defeat the Atma Buster to receive another Atma Weapon sword. ==High Seraph Ultima== In the World of Ruin, talk to Alvis in Narshe about "????". Obtain a piece of ancient text from a scholar in Albrook. Show the ancient text piece to Alvis, and he'll tell you about sylphs. Visit the Moogles' cave and talk to a sylph. Speak to Alvis again, then head to the Phantom Forest west of Maranda. Traverse the dungeon, talk to Matoya, and obtain her Crystal Eye. Return to the sylph and converse. Defeat Odin, Leviathan, and Bahamut, then talk to the sylph again. After receiving the Goddess Bell, try to land the airship on a tiny island just north of the coliseum. This is the Labyrinth of the Ancients. Traverse the labyrinth and reach the Crystal Tower. You can also visit the Forbidden Land of Eureka from here, but this is optional. Powerful equipment can be found in Eureka, however. Speak to Ultima at the top of the Crystal Tower. Win in battle to obtain the Ultima magicite. ==Soul Shrine== Similar to the Soul Shrine in the Game Boy Advance release of FFVI. You must first obtain the Ultima magicite to enter. The first time you complete the Soul Shrine, you will obtain a powerful shield. Afterward, you can choose specific waves to re-fight if you want. You can get some good equipment this way! Note that if you leave the Soul Shrine before completing every wave of enemies, you'll have to start over from the first wave again when you come back. ==Developer's Room== Obtain the Ultima magicite. This will unlock the sealed door between the Collection Room and the Achievement Room. Inside is a fun area similar to the Developers' Room in Final Fantasy IV. Try interacting with people and things with different characters at the lead of your party! There is also a room for listening to music here. Some patrons will comment on whatever piece of music is currently playing. Use the Music Player in the Config menu to change the music, then see what different people have to say! As noted earlier, the Developers' Room includes a place called "Mog House". This room allows the player to switch from FF6 T-Edition to FF6 T-Edition EX. The EX version adds about a dozen or so super-tough boss battles against major bosses from other Final Fantasy games. As such, defeating a boss will unlock relevant paintings in the Collection Room in T-Edition. ==Secret Present== A secret gravestone is hidden somewhere in Eureka. If you can find it and solve its puzzle, you can unlock every costume for every character who has rejoined the party. Note that any costumes unlocked this way will re-lock in a New Game Plus run, until you re-unlock them. Matoya's minions have a clue about the gravestone's puzzle. ==Know-It-All== A new character who lives north of Narshe can tell you about your progress toward unlocking certain achievements. ------------------------------------------------------------- NEW PUB QUEST DETAILS: ==Cave Monster Cleanup== Talk to South Figaro pub owner during World of Balance ==Defend Mt. Kolts!== Talk to South Figaro pub owner during World of Balance, after the imperial banquet ==I'll Buy Anything!== Talk to Nikeah pub owner during World of Balance If you sell your Shiny Helmet, you can buy another in the world of Ruin. You can still go underwater even without the item, though. ==A Helping Hand== Talk to Kohlingen pub owner during World of Balance ==Dream Opera== Talk to Kohlingen pub owner during World of Balance after completing "A Helping Hand". If you sell your opera tickets, you can rebuy them in the World of Ruin at the auction house. ==Requiem== Talk to Kohlingen pub owner during World of Balance Having Setzer in your party when you do this quest will result in some extra dialogue ==Merchandise Delivery== Talk to Albrook pub owner during World of Balance ==Ingredient Hunt== Talk to Albrook pub owner during World of Ruin Note that you can repeat this quest as often as you want ==Research Assistant== Talk to Albrook pub owner during World of Ruin, then talk to the scholar in town. Show him the Goddess Bell to receive very valuable items. ==Cave Fiend Crackdown== Talk to South Figaro pub owner during World of Ruin Note that you can repeat this quest as often as you want ==A Girl's Wish== Talk to South Figaro pub owner during World of Ruin, after obtaining the Falcon. Find the girl, help her with her goal, and take her back to town. ==Victory Drink== Talk to South Figaro pub owner during World of Ruin ==Supply Haul== Talk to Nikeah pub owner during World of Ruin, talk to Duane in Mobliz, then return to the pub owner in Nikeah ==Melancholy of a Dancer== Obtain the Falcon airship in the World of Ruin, then talk to the pub owner in Nikeah. Speak to the dancer and choose "yes". This will unlock the dressing room in the airship. You can switch characters' costumes from here, and each one comes with a different portrait and stat modifiers. You'll need to unlock characters' alternate costumes to actually use them though. Most costumes can be unlocked via all the new events and quests. ==Staying Strong== Complete "Supply Haul", have Terra rejoin the party in the World of Ruin, and then talk to the pub owner in Nikeah. Defeat a special enemy in the Phantom Forest, then talk to Duane in Mobliz. ==Rest in Peace== After obtaining the airship in the World of Ruin, talk to the pub owner in Kohlingen. Check the gravestone all the way inside Darill's Tomb, then talk to the pub owner again. ==Advanced Mimicry== Obtain all characters in the World of Ruin, including Shadow. Completely repopulate Narshe and receive the Ragnarok magicite from the town elder. This will unlock the house in the bottom right area of town, which has been remodeled into a pub. Talk to the pub owner, then talk to the old man in the pub with Gogo in the party. Answer all of the old man's questions correctly. ==Night Patrol== After repopulating Narshe and receiving the Ragnarok magicite, talk to the pub owner in Narshe. Defeat all the enemies in town within the time limit as you make your way up to the snowfield. Defeat the boss monster to finish the quest. Note that this quest can be repeated as many times as you want. After the first successful completion, the reward will change. ==Super Doctor D== Talk to the pub owner in Zozo in the World of Ruin. Go to the top room where Terra and Ramuh used to be during the World of Balance. Talk to Dadaluma and help him with his medicine research. Just remember that people in Zozo aren't very truthful... ------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER CHANGES: Honestly, there are so many little changes everywhere that a full list is probably impossible. This is why I suggest you consider this a version of Final Fantasy VI from an alternate universe - just play it like it's your first time all over again rather than compare it with the original game. You'll get much more fun out of it that way! With that said, here are just some of the changes to the game: - Lots of changes to items, spells, enemies, and more - Hold B to dash. You no longer need Sprint Shoes! - The ATB works more like it does in Final Fantasy V, in which the bar doesn't progress while effects are happening on screen - To open the new Music Player, go to the main menu, choose "Config", go to the "Sound" option, then press the Confirm button on your input device. Note that there are more pieces of music available in the Developer's Room, mostly just inn jingles and victory fanfares - There are nearly 200 new pieces of music from other Final Fantasy games and other influential JRPGs that the hack's creator was fond of. They're used throughout the game in various creative ways - A New Game Plus option opens up after you obtain the Falcon - Element names have changed slightly: * "Poison" is now "Darkness", with an icon of a half-moon * "Holy" is now "Light", with a bright light-like icon - The equipment details menu (press the Confirm button while selecting equipment in the main item menu) has additional information - Magicite no longer boosts stats upon leveling up - HP and MP growth are now quite different for each character - Coliseum battles are now player-controlled, and many changes have been made to enemy attack patterns - All rare/key items now have item descriptions - New custom window layouts based on other Square JRPGs. The Japanese release includes extra patches that allow for alternate custom windows from other games too. See the original Japanese release here for these files: T-Edition 2.9.4+EX - The player's total play time can now display times over 100 hours - Every character has a unique line of text for opening treasure chests - The original accuracy bug was fixed - Item drop rates have changed from the original game - Bugs related to how often back/side/surrounded attacks occur have been fixed, making related relics more important than before - Similarly, relics related to preemptive attacks are now more effective and helpful - Attacks (physical and magical) that ignore defense now work differently depending on who the target is - Attacks that take advantage of elemental weaknesses are now calculated in a new way - Attacks that possess multiple elemental types are now calculated in a more logical, helpful way - Status ailments have been reworked, this mainly means that you can't use equipment to heal existing status effects. In simpler terms, if you equip the Cursed Shield and a Ribbon, you'll still be afflicted by the shield's status ailments - Characters are considered "near death" at 1/4 HP instead of 1/8 - "Near death" is now considered an "element" of sorts. If an enemy is immune to instant death, it might still be weak against "near death" attacks like Gravity and Tornado - The Blind status ailment actually works as intended now - The Stop status ailment now lasts less time than Sleep. Sleep lasts longer but can be undone with a physical attack. Stop lasts for a shorter time but can't be undone with a physical attack - Poison status ailment bugs have been fixed. Poison now takes away 1/8 of a character's current HP - Regen has been reworked to be more helpful - The original "Sap" status ailment has been renamed "Disease", and it currently acts like "Poison" but it affects MP instead of HP - Critical hit rates have been increased - Certain enemies now only take half damage when hit with a defense-ignoring attack - Espers can be summoned multiple times per battle - Defending in battle cuts physical damage by 1/3 instead of 1/2. It also cuts magical damage by 1/3 - Attacks on characters in the back row are cut by 1/3 instead of 1/2 - The Shell status also impairs curative magic. Magic attacks that normally ignore defense are now cut by 1/3 - Absorption attacks are more effective now - Reflected magic spells now retain 100% of their strength. This means that spells cast against three or more characters with Reflect status can increase the total damage output over normal, similar to FF5. - Several spells have been dropped, and several new spells have taken their place - MP damage is displayed in light red, and MP recovery is displayed in blue - More monsters can be encountered on the Veldt - Desperation attacks (when a character is near death) now occur more often, and can occur multiple times in one battle. Some of these attacks have been adjusted with this in mind, and some new desperation attacks have been added - Damage in battle can reach up to 32000 HP, as can HP recovery in battle - Spell casting animations have been modified - Character portraits have been updated - Initial character stats & equipment have been updated - The addition of many new items means that characters might be able to equip different things than before - All characters can use all Magitek abilities, not just Terra - Terra's transformation ability has been adjusted in many different ways. A certain piece of Terra-specific equipment can change this ability to General Leo's "Shock" skill. - A new item for Locke improves his attack power the more he successfully performs Steal. The item's detail menu screen shows how powerful it currently is at any time - Cyan's gauge now fills up more quickly - Cyan's special sword techniques have been changed in various ways, and their accuracy rates have been adjusted - Shadow no longer randomly leaves the party after a battle - Shadow will always escape the Floating Continent This was done because of the many new Shadow-related events added to the game - Interceptor's stats and such have been adjusted - All ninja swords are dual-wieldable by default - Shadow's various elemental "Edge" items have had their efficacy adjusted - Edgar's tools have been adjusted in multiple ways - Some of Edgar's tools have been replaced with new ones - Sabin's Blitz techniques have been adjusted in multple ways - Celes naturally gains different spells at certain levels - A certain can change Celes' "Runic" command into "Pray" - Strago's blue magic spells have changed in various ways, and some existing spells have been replaced with different ones - Relm naturally gains different spells at certain levels - Sketch attacks use Relm's stats instead of the enemy's - Sketch will work 75% of the time. A special "Wishing Star" attack will happen the other 25% of the time - Relm's "Control" ability has been removed - It's possible to Sketch without brushes now, but brushes will make Sketch succeed more often - A certain item will change Relm's "Sketch" ability into "Bless" - Setzer's Slot ability has been adjusted in various ways - Setzer's darts and cards now deal heavy damage to flying enemies - Mog's Dance ability will always work, and only lasts for a single turn, thereby allowing the player to choose multiple dances per battle - It's now possible to get Mog's water dance in the World of Ruin - A certain item will change Mog's "Dance" ability into the "Animal" ability - Gau now has an "Attack" command - Gau can learn Rages simply by winning fights against enemies, regardless of location. No more Leaping is needed, and you DON'T need to be on the Veldt! - Gau's Rage menu outside of battle now displays what that Rage will do when successfully used in battle - Gogo and Umaro can now summon espers, but they can't learn magic - Umaro is controllable in battle and has a new "Ice Storm" ability - A certain item will sometimes cause Umaro to throw an ally at the enemy for added damage - A certain item will sometimes cause Umaro to attack like crazy instead of perform a normal attack - The Steal ability has been adjusted - The gil-throwing ability has been adjusted - Two-handed attacks have been enhanced - Dual-wield attacks have been adjusted, each individual attack is 75% as strong as a normal attack - Attacks using the Offering relic have been adjusted Note that a character's desperation attacks are disabled while the Offering is equipped on them - Stat boosts from equipment no longer stack. For example, equipping two Earrings won't be any different from equipping only one Earring - The magic attack stat now affects curative spells too - Anti-flying enemy attacks have had their calculations adjusted - New item types have been added - Attacks using the Atma Weapon are now Stamina-based rather than Level-based - The Valiant Knife no longer has defense-ignoring capabilities - The Dancing Dagger has a 50% chance of activating one of Mog's dances when used in battle - The Fixed Dice weapon has been adjusted - Dice weapons have no effect against Berserk status (I think?) - Lots of monsters have been dropped, replaced, and/or added - Events in the original game have been modified: * Having Cyan in the party when fighting Kefka in the snowfield will lead to extra dialogue * You need to look for Celes during the nighttime event in Albrook * Cid needs fewer fish to survive * If Sabin is in the party during the Gerad scene, new dialogue will appear * You need to have Terra in the party to fight the frozen esper above the snowfield in the World of Ruin * Cyan's dream sequence has changed a bit, and a new series of solo battles has been added. The story will still progress even if you lose though. * You can fight Kefka on the Floating Continent * And probably a lot more that I've forgotten about ------------------------------------------------------------- FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Q: What does the "T" in "T-Edition" stand for? A: It's short for "Tsushiy Edition". Tsushiy is the Japanese ROM hacker who created T-Edition. Q: Can I use a save file from a normal Final Fantasy VI or Final Fantasy III (SNES) run? A: No. You technically can, but it'll just be a weird unpredictable mess. The hack changes so much that they're not the same games anymore. Q: I'm having trouble figuring out how to patch this stuff! A: Please see further above for patching information. Q: Did you translate all of the text yourself? A: To speed things up, I used the GBA English script when text between VI and T-Edition were unchanged. For more information on why I chose this script, see here: For all of the brand-new text, I did indeed translate it myself. Q: Do lobsters really taste with their feet? A: I don't know, I live in the desert Q: How can I translate this into other languages? A: I'll be releasing my source code and tools online, but a full translation into other languages will probably require you to modify the existing font, which is already low on space. If you're super-duper intent on translating the game, post something here: Q: I hate the GBA script so so much! I want it with the REAL translation! A: You can use the tools to make your own version if you'd like. That's partly why I'm releasing them - I know that there's zero way to make everyone happy when it comes to FFVI translation stuff, so you're free to make your own custom build! Mostly you'd just need to edit the two main script files to use the text you'd prefer. That's about 2000 or 3000 lines of text though, so it's not a small task. Then you have to consider all of the item name choices, enemy name choices, etc... It's a lot of work. If you do decide to do an alternate version, that's 1000% cool with me. I just want fans to have fun playing the game. ------------------------------------------------------------- THE END I hope you enjoy this ROM hack!