Seiken Densetsu 3: 2 Player restoration (For use in Unheadered roms with 3 player patch applied) First best regards to all romhacking community! Recently I've reading a new discussing thread in which some talented hackers putting lots of love to SD3 have revived my love for this game. I remember having a very good time when playing it about 15 years ago, when Spanish translation finally saw light of day. I realized that it was a very flawed game, but that graphic style and that wonderful OST always enthralled me. Recent posts of the thread (link below) pointed out that the 3 players hack triggers a well known bug with save files in the ghost ship section of the game under certain circumstances. That reminded me that the latest version of the Spanish translation contained the 3 players hack, so I decided to put remedy and revert the translation to 2 players again. So here it is, a simple patch that reverts the changes of the 3 players patch, for unheadered roms. Happily, this patch makes the Spanish translation fully compatible with Praetarius' fixes (I don't know if it was before, since depending of patching order, Crc32 was different). It was already compatible with most hacks, including cosmetic and hmsong mods (although G-Trans tittle screens will cause special characters not showing correctly in the intro roll). ________________________________ Parche para revertir a dos jugadores la traducción española de Seiken Densetsu 3 y cualquier rom sin cabecera con el parche de tres jugadores aplicado. Hace la traducción compatible con el Fix de Praetarius (ya era previamente compatible con todos los demás hacks existentes) Aunque no tiene nada que ver con este parche, la traducción contiene, entre otros, la antigua pantalla de título "Secret of Mana 2", de snes-projects. Podéis cambiarla por otras más actuales, pero no os extrañéis si durante la intro algunas palabras con caractéres especiales no aparecen como debieran.