FINAL FANTASY IV DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS AND LIGHT v1.00 (Dec 16 2021) Quick Find: Press Ctrl + F and type in the keyword, then press Enter to search for the section. TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer .. [DSC1] Overview .... [OVR2] Changelog ... [CHG3] Reflections . [REF4] Credits ..... [CRD5] ==================================================================================================== Disclaimer [DSC1] ========== - Final Fantasy IV (c) Square Enix. All rights reserved. - No ownership is claimed by FlamePurge over Final Fantasy IV or the franchise from which it originates. Commercial use of this patch, including but not limited to reproduction, sale, etc. is strictly prohibited. - This unofficial, fan-made patch is provided "as-is" on a voluntary (i.e. non-profit) basis. FlamePurge is not liable for damage incurred to the end-user, their OS, or their hardware while using this patch. - Apply this patch only to an unmodified, Headered "Final Fantasy II (v1.1) (U) [!].smc" with the following specifications: Hashes: CRC32 - 23084FCD MD5 - 27D02A4F03E172E029C9B82AC3DB79F7 SHA1 - 41A74EB369A7A91815529EF99AB1B20E2BDF3E26 - Players are encouraged to keep a backup of their original game file in case an error occurs. - Final Fantasy IV: Daughter of Darkness and Light is based off of Project II: Final Fantasy IV by FlamePurge. Therefore, all changes present in Project II are also present in Daughter of Darkness and Light. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Overview [OVR2] ======== - Based off Project II. Short overview of changes from original FFIV below. (In particular, you can tap the L Button to sprint.) - Swapped Cecil and Rosa's places in battle and plot, and all ripple effects that entails. - For female-coded items, changed "who can equip" from "White Wizard, Caller (Little), Caller (Big), White Mage" to "Dark Knight, Paladin, Caller (Little), Caller (Big), White Mage" - Supplied bonus appendices to aid the player's FFIV adventure. They are not required to play. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes from vanilla FFII US to Project II GENERAL: - Script fully rewritten to modern standards - Censorship removed: Baron dancer strips again, guillotine returns to the Tower of Zot - Removed content restored: All missing items are back and have their proper prices and locations (Note: This does not extend to the maps. The Developer's Room is still gone. You find the Magazine in Eblan Castle, replacing a Cure2 Potion.) - Can choose between Active/Wait modes in Customizer - Toggle ATB gauge by pressing SELECT in battle - Press X to defer turns - Tap L while walking: sprint - Tap L while on airship: slow down - Hummingway Home sells Cure3 Potions and Sirens ABILITIES: - Sing improved: fail chance is Paralyze, Mute chance is Stop - Salve consumes Cure1 Potion but effect is Cure2 Potion - Pray casts Cure2 if successful, has 70% success chance - Cry reduces enemy MDF according to 1/2 of Porom's WIL - Peep changed to Rush, causes Bersk on Cid - Cid has new command: Smog, small amount of damage + Poison to all enemies - Paladin and Caller (Little) now learn their added magic from 3D Remake - Regen restores 160 HP per tick and FuSoYa can act during it - Armor/Shell are stronger - Imp summon draws from Rydia's ATK - Sight causes Blind in battle - Warp causes instant death in battle - Dispel is changed to Curse EQUIPMENT: - Dark Knight can equip everything Paladin can EXCEPT light-elemental equipment, bows, staves, and mage robes - HandAxe and Assassin Dagger can be obtained legitimately - All bows get HIT + 10% - Artemis Bow deals 4x dmg to dragons - Wooden Mallet casts Lit-2 as item - Power Staff casts Bersk as item - Flame Whip casts Fire3 as item - Heroine Robe gives only +10 to STR, AGL, and VIT but removes WIS/WIL penalties FIXES: - Characters no longer retain a weapon's long range status if switching to a close range weapon - Characters no longer lose their ability to deal critical hits - Adamant Armor no longer gives EVA +99%, and characters equipped with it no longer become weak to fire, ice, and lightning upon removing it - Giving a key item to an NPC only takes 1 of that item now, not the whole stack - Summon monster item descriptions properly display - Cryptic "to equip" message now displays coherent sentence - Can no longer cast Warp in the Dwarf Castle throne room to gain a Dark Crystal and skip the Sealed Cave - Attempting to leave LugaeKey or Pink Tail behind displays coherent sentence - Black Robe gives WIS +5 instead of boosting WIL - Graphic inconsistencies fixed ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Changelog [CHG3] ========= v1.00 - Swapped the sprites and portraits of Wh.Wiz. and Paladin. - Made new sprites for Paladin Rosa and Wh.Wiz. Cecil's respective !Cover and !Aim commands. - Drew new DKnight Rosa sprites for world/field maps and battles. - Palettes changed: Rosa (Dark Knight)'s hair and skin color match Rosa (Paladin)'s, both in and out of battle. The DKnight's palette is shared between several different characters, yet I still changed the light blue color in it to white. Certain other characters changed colors as a result. - Allowed DKnight and Paladin to equip the Tiara and Heroine Robe, but not Wh.Wiz. - Imported these changes to Project II, thus creating a fork of it, and amended the script accordingly. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Reflections [REF4] =========== I can't find the topic anymore, but believe it or not this was once someone else's idea for a college presentation, originally posted on's forum years ago. I'm talking prior to Project II or even FF4kster, let alone the current state of FFIV hacking. It sounded interesting, but the concept creator didn't know much about the ROM editing process. They came up with a new plan: remake FFIV in RPGMaker with Cecil and Rosa's places swapped. I don't think anything materialized, though. I was bored one day looking at FFIV hacks, and once again I came across Drum Solo's Celes + Terra mod. I wondered, "Hey, how hard it would be to redo this with modern tools?" And like someone cast Bolt3, I was struck by the college student's role swap concept. I suddenly wanted to see it done, and before I knew it I was sketching Dark Knight Rosa sprites. So now, yes, Rosa is a woman knight of high status in a male-dominated kingdom. Yes, Cecil is a gallant in distress. Yes, Kain is gay and in love with Cecil. And if someone you know wanted to play Final Fantasy IV with a woman protagonist, well, there's that, too. I don't recall for certain, but I think the student's class was related to gender studies. However, I would like readers to know that despite my own queer identities, this project was more to sate my curiosity rather than make a political statement. I set out to retain the party's dynamic while changing how the world around them reacts to a woman leading the heroes rather than a man. Surprisingly few changes were needed. Remember, Daughter of Darkness and Light will never replace any official version of FFIV, and the original Project II isn't going anywhere. This is just a twist. ==================================================================================================== ==================================================================================================== Credits [CRD5] ======= - Everything8215: FF6Tools - David Capello: Aseprite - gvdn: World/field map palette assignment data - All Project II Contributors:; The_Atomik_Punk!; Cavery210; Chaos Rush; chillyfeez; Chicken Knife; Chrysologus; Deathlike2; Dragonsbrethren; Dragoon Zero; Grimoire LD; N30; Paladin; Phoenix Hacks; Pinkpuff and all FF4kster contributors; Quest; Rodimus Primal; Spooniest; Tomato; Yetisyny - Square Enix ...And all you Final Fantasy fans out there! ====================================================================================================