Title: There can be only one! Authors: Lenophis, Imzogelmo Version: v1.1b Applies to: FF6us v1.0, FF6us v1.1, FF6j Tested on: FF6us v1.0, FF6j Contents: SNES - There can be only one Single-target - header.ips SNES - There can be only one Single-target - no header.ips SNES - There can be only one Multi-target 1 - header.ips SNES - There can be only one Multi-target 1 - no header.ips SNES - There can be only one Multi-target 2 - header.ips SNES - There can be only one Multi-target 2 - no header.ips SNES - Anti Single-target - header.ips SNES - Anti Single-target - no header.ips SNES - Anti Multi-target 1 - header.ips SNES - Anti Multi-target 1 - no header.ips SNES - Anti Multi-target 2 - header.ips SNES - Anti Multi-target 2 - no header.ips SFC - There can be only one Single-target - header.ips SFC - There can be only one Single-target - no header.ips SFC - There can be only one Multi-target 1 - header.ips SFC - There can be only one Multi-target 1 - no header.ips SFC - There can be only one Multi-target 2 - header.ips SFC - There can be only one Multi-target 2 - no header.ips SFC - Anti Single-target - header.ips SFC - Anti Single-target - no header.ips SFC - Anti Multi-target 1 - header.ips SFC - Anti Multi-target 1 - no header.ips SFC - Anti Multi-target 2 - header.ips SFC - Anti Multi-target 2 - no header.ips readme.txt runic_solo.asm runic_all_1.asm runic_all_2.asm C2.txt ROM addresses: C2/352B - C2/35AC - US version C2/3526 - C2/35A7 - SFC version C2/657D - C2/6590 - Single target C2/657D - C2/65AA - Multi-target method 1 C2/657D - C2/65B2 - Multi-target method 2 Urgency: Medium to high. Multiple bugs are at work this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Runic is a bit of a gimmicky ability, but it has many, many flaws as well. First, if multiple entities have Runic, and a single-target spell is used, all Runic-able entities will try to absorb the spell. Every said entity will lose Runic, regardless of whether they absorbed the spell or not. Runic's MP absorbtion takes elements into account, making it possible to absorb half, none, or even lose MP by raising the sword. This is obviously illogical. Runic will be lost if the runicker has been put to sleep, frozen, killed, petrified, stopped, or is hiding (via Jump or some other method) and a spell that is Runic-able is cast. Runic will also absorb MP even if no Runic-able weapon exists to do so, but that has already been addressed by assassin. His fix is here: http://assassin17.home.comcast.net/patches.htm#anchor14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Three fixes for this patch. First, if a runicker is incapable of absorbing the spell due to some status ailments, Runic will no longer be lost because nothing was done to lose it. Second, if multiple runickers are available to absorb a spell, the patch you choose depends on how the targets are picked. Third, elemental properties are nullified, so any runicker will always absorb the full brunt of the MP if targetted solo. The anti patches effectively remove this patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which one do I use?! That will depend on which you prefer. Do you want Runic to always pick one target, regardless of the spell and number of targets? If so, single target method is what you want. Do you want Runic to spread if the spell allows it, regardless if the attack was single-targetted or not? If so, use Multi-target method 1. Do you want Runic to spread if the spell allows it, and if the spell was aimed at multiple targets? If so, use Multi-target method 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: v1.1b - May 10, 2010 Multi-target method 1 was broken, because of a bad index on removing Runic status. Also took assassin's advice for more space optimization, which is reflected in Multi-target 1 and Multi-target 2. The Single-target patch went unchanged in this update. v1.1a - May 07, 2010 Added SFC patches, and did a better job of naming the anti patches. All patches optimized to use less space, though functionality has not changed. The anti patches for this version are not guaranteed to work with the v1.1 version, because fewer overall bytes are changed. v1.1 - May 05, 2010 Because there's no way for me to know how Square meant for this to be, the patch was updated to consider all realistic scenarios. Runic will allow multi-target spells to be absorbed by multiple runickers, if you so choose. If you used the v1.0 patch and wish to continue using the single-target method, you can disregard this update. v1.0 - May 02, 2010 Preliminary version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Terii Senshi & assassin - For writing the C2 bank disassembly. assassin - Extra mention for bringing up the multi-target ability of the original function.