-- Original 2015 Readme -- This is a very simple patch that will multiply the experience and Zeny by 2, removing a lot of the grind factor of the game that seems to bother so many people. You'll need an unheadered rom, which will have file size of 3,145,728 bytes. If you have a ROM with a header, you should remove it by using a program like Snestools, or NRST. I find NRST easier to use, if you're not experienced with older programs. If you're going to use this patch with the amazing retranslation made by Ryusui & co, you'll need to let the game check itself before applying this patch. I'll explain: When you install the retranslation, the first time you run the game, it will check the ROM to see if everything is OK. After that the game will work normally. Thing is, if you apply this patch before that check, it will give you an error. To get around this you just need to let the rentranslation do it's thing, and when it has finished, you can proceed and install this patch. After that you'll be ready to go. If you want to be really sure, start a file and save after the intro, then apply the patch. In short, you need an SRAM save file with the check already done. --- PS from 2022 -- I've been getting requests to upload this old patch for years. Truth be told, I already tried to upload it back in 2015 but it got rejected because it was seen as a "Cheat patch" which is supposedly not accepted at RomHacking.Net... ...Even when you can find a number of hacks literally giving you Max Stats for a variety of games being accepted. To this day it still eludes me what was going on there. But I'm not mad. For one it'd be really sad to be angry at something that, at the time of writing this, happened close to 7 years ago. But there's another big reason: Rejecting this is what made me go the extra mile and make a better, more complete and greater hack, and I ended up doing it and releasing it close to 5 years ago, with the super original and fantastic name of "Breath of Fire II Maeson". The reception seemed to be pretty great, and I am more than happy with it myself, so... Yeah, being rejected is probably the best thing it could happen to me on this regard. Yet I still got people asking for the Double Exp and Zenny patch, so I'll be happy to share it once and for all. Have a nice day.