|----------------------------------------------| | Status Timers Hack | | by: madsiur | | version: 1.0 | | Released on: February 14th, 2022 | | apply to: FF3us 1.0 (no header) | |----------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------| | Files | |----------------------------------------------| status-timers-nh.ips: IPS patch for vanilla ROM status-timers.asm: bass assembly file of the above hack status-timers-stop-nh.ips: IPS patch for Independent Stop/Premature Continuation fix compatibility status-timers-stop.asm: bass assembly file of the above hack |----------------------------------------------| | Description | |----------------------------------------------| This hack add timers for Slow, Haste, Safe and Shell when casted on characters or monsters. It use 4 free bits on the expired status byte ($B8) plus a byte per monster and character for each of the 4 new timers ($3E38, $3E39, $3E88 and $3E89). Right now, there is no easy way to know when those 4 timed status are lifted on a monster but that will be deal with in another hack. All 4 timers have a value of $1E, so they last longer than Reflect but shorter than Freeze. The new timer values can individually be edited in the bass asm file. There are two hacks; "status-timers" is for vanilla ROM and fix the same bug as "Premature Continuation fix" by assassin (link below), only it does at a different place in the code. "status-timers-stop" implement the "Independent Stop" code by seibaby (link below) as well as the original "Premature Continuation fix" by assassin. Use "status-timers-stop" if you already have applied or want to apply those two hacks. Both hacks use 202 ($CA) bytes of free space at $EEAF01. This free space offsets can be changed in the bass asm file by changing the offset of the "seek($EEAF01)" macro call. Both hacks use no free space in bank $C2 but instead relocate the "check timers" routine from $C25B06 to $EEAF01 to make room for the new "set Slow/Haste/Safe/Shell" bank $C2 code. To assemble the hack use bass v14 by typing a command such as "bass -o rom.smc status-timers.asm". |----------------------------------------------| | Timers length (reference) | |----------------------------------------------| Sleep: $12 (original) Stop: $12 (original) Reflect: $1A (original) Slow: $1E (new) Haste: $1E (new) Shell: $1E (new) Safe: $1E (new) Freeze: $22 (original) |----------------------------------------------| | RAM changes (previously unused) | |----------------------------------------------| $B8: Current entity's expired status byte bit 0: Stop (original) bit 1: Reflect (original) bit 2: Freeze (original) bit 3: Sleep (original) bit 4: Haste (new) bit 5: Slow (new) bit 6: Shell (new) bit 7: Safe (new) $3E38,x: current entity's Slow timer $3E39,x: current entity's Haste timer $3E88,x: current entity's Shell timer $3E89,x: current entity's Safe timer |----------------------------------------------| | Links | |----------------------------------------------| bass v14: https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/794/ Premature Continuation fix: http://assassin17.brinkster.net/patches.htm#anchor27 ` Independent Stop: https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/thread-3389.html