- FF5 Better Item Menu v1.0 - Help support the anti-ASCII art - By: Tzepish movement! tzepish at gmail dot com ***************************************************************************************************** 1.) Patch Info & Compatibility This patch is an edit of Inu's item menu patches to make them compatible with all versions of Final Fantasy 5, not just the Japanese version. It has two effects: - First, it greys out the Tent and Cottage items in situations where they cannot be used (such as in a dungeon or town while not on a save point). - Second, it improves the equipment Sort order, so that instead of giving you a pile of weapons followed by a pile of armors, it groups them together based on their leading icon, like how FF6 does it. This makes the item menu much more readable! (Note that this does NOT sort the drinkable items, tents, and ninja scrolls the same way, besides putting them all at the top of the item list along with Potions and such. This is simply because FF5 handles "usable items" differently from weapons and armor. So the very top of your item list might still be slightly messy, but equipment sorting is much more readable). This patch is compatible with multiple versions of Final Fantasy 5, as long as your ROM has NO HEADER: - Final Fantasy 5 Japanese (but Inu's version is better, because it doesn't use any free space) - Final Fantasy 5 RPGe Translation - Final Fantasy 5 GBA Script Port - Final Fantasy 5 Spoof (note that as of v1.11 it's already applied by default though) I wouldn't count on compatibility with more complicated hacks, such as Void Divergence, but you never know! Since this patch uses the free space at $C3/BAC0 to $C3/BADE, it's incompatible with any bugfix or mod that uses that space (but see the next section for how to make it compatible). ***************************************************************************************************** 2.) Editing the Sort Data (for Modders) This section will explain how to edit the Sort order and how to relocate the Sort order data in case you need $C3/BAC0 to $C3/BADE to remain free for compatibility reasons, or if your mod has custom item icon types, or if you just want to change the Sort order for whatever reason. MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT NEED TO USE THIS SECTION. Since the RPGe Translation and the GBA Script Port both add new item icon types, Inu's original version of this patch doesn't work with them because it doesn't specify a Sort location for the new icons. This causes those items to disappear from the inventory after using Sort! This patch applies a modified version of Inu's code to move the Sort order to a new location (C3/BAC0) and to include all icon types from both the RPGe translation and the GBA Script Port (and the one icon from FF5Spoof), as well as all the original icons in the Japanese version. C3/BAC0 happens to be free space in all four of those FF5 versions, but I can't guarantee it's free in all mods out there. - To change the Sort order: Go to C3/BAC0 in your favorite hex editor. You'll find a list of hex values that correspond to the item icon types, in order. Simply change the order of the hex values in this list. For example, if you want to swap Spears and Axes in the list, find Spears (E8) and Axes (E9) and swap their current positions (typing 'E8' over the E9 and typing 'E9' over the E8). See the next section for the current Sort order and each icon's hex value, for reference. If your mod has a unique icon type, you'll need to add it to this list, otherwise your item will vanish after using Sort! - To change the Sort data location: Go to C2/E019 in your favorite hex editor. The value there should be C0BAC3, which is a pointer to C3/BAC0 (the current location of the Sort order). Change this to point to your new desired location (remember to reverse the order of the three bytes. For example, if your new address is C2/E096, then change the value here to 96E0C2). ***************************************************************************************************** 3.) Current Sort Order (Reference) This section lists the icon Sort order and each icon's hex value in this patch, for reference. The sort order lives at C3/BAC0: FD - Normal "Usable Items" (must start with this) F5 - Ninja Star (GBA Script Port) C6 - Ninja Star (RPGe Translation) FF - Misc E7 - Knives E3 - Swords E8 - Spears E9 - Axes AA - Hammers (GBA Script Port) BF - Hammers (RPGe Translation) EA - Katana EB - Rods EC - Staves EF - Whips ED - Bows EE - Harps F0 - Bells 9E - "Other" weapon (GBA Script Port) BE - "Other" weapon (RPGe Translation) F1 - Shields F2 - Helmets and Hats C1 - Ribbon (RPGe Translation) C3 - Shirt / Robes F3 - Armor F4 - Ring 9F - Gloves (GBA Script Port) CC - Gloves (RPGe Translation) CA - Claws (RPGe Translation) BD - Boots (RPGe Translation) D2 - Boots (FF5Spoof) 00 - (must end with 00) Note that there are several 00 spaces available at the end of the list at C3/BAC0. This room can be used to expand the list in case your mod has additional icons, as long as the list ends with a 00 (and doesn't spill into the code after it!). ***************************************************************************************************** 4.) Thanks! I'm not the biggest ASM wizard out there. These lovely people are actually responsible for this - I'm just the guy who moved some bytes around and made an ips patch. -- Inu made the original version of this mod for the Japanese version of the game, as as well as a ton of other bugfixes and improvements! https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3766/ -- Square originally made this wonderful game. ***************************************************************************************************** 5.) The Disclaimer! -- (C) 2022 Tzepish (Blaine Higdon) -- This archive is not to be distributed with any other files (especially ROMs). -- Tzepish is not responsible for any damages done to your computer, whether you use his patches or not.