- FF5 No Missable Items & Spells v1.0 - Help support the anti-ASCII art - By: Tzepish movement! tzepish at gmail dot com ***************************************************************************************************** 1.) Patch Info & Compatibility FF5, like most RPGs, has a set of equipment and magic spells that can be permanently missed if they are not acquired at the exact right time in the story. Personally I've always hated it when games did this - hence this mod! These patches modify shop data and monster data in order to ensure that every spell and every item can be obtained, even if you miss your first chance. They are split into two patches for the sake of compatibility, but most users will simply apply them both (unless you only want one patch or the other for whatever reason). They are compatible with multiple versions of Final Fantasy 5, as long as your ROM has NO HEADER: - Final Fantasy 5 Japanese - Final Fantasy 5 RPGe Translation - Final Fantasy 5 GBA Script Port I wouldn't count on compatibility with more complicated hacks, such as Void Divergence, but you never know! This archive should contain the following files: - readme.txt The file you are currently viewing. - ff5_nomissables_shop_price_changes.ips - ff5_nomissables_treasure_monster_changes.ips These are the actual patch files (see below for more information). You can stop reading here if you want to avoid spoilers - just apply both patches and trust that everything can be found in the game eventually without worrying about missables. If you'd like to know exactly where to look, or if you want to see the hex bytes changed, continue reading! ***************************************************************************************************** 2.) Where to find everything - Summary This section lists the locations of everything that used to be missable! PATCH 1: ff5_nomissables_shop_price_changes.ips: - All missable items that have an unlimited quantity in the game have been sprinkled into shops throughout the game at appropriate locations, based on the power of the item and where it originally can be missed. - All missable magic spells have been added to a new shop in the Dwarven Kingdom. - All the above items and spells now have reasonable prices based on when they can be obtained. ITEM: QUANTITY: NEW: - Spear (Unlimited) + Purchase at Walse or Crescent - Iron Shield (Unlimited) + Purchase at Crescent - Kenpo Gi (Unlimited) + Purchase at Crescent - Thief's Gloves (Unlimited) + Purchase at Quelb - Javelin (Unlimited) + Purchase at Moore - Blitz Whip (Unlimited) + Purchase at Moore - Power Staff (Unlimited) + Purchase at Phantom Village SPELL: TYPE: NEW: - Romeo's Ballad (Song) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Alluring Air (Song) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Mana's Paean (Song) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Shiva (Summon) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Ramuh (Summon) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Golem (Summon) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Catoblepas (Summon) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom - Carbuncle (Summon) + Purchase at Dwarven Kingdom PATCH 2: ff5_nomissables_treasure_monster_changes.ips: - All missable items that have a LIMITED quantity in the game can now be found in unmissable locations (either drops from boss battles, or treasure chests that can be returned to). - You can still only obtain the same limited quantity as in the base game (for example, you can only get at most 2 copies of the Kornago Gourd). ITEM: QUANTITY: NEW: - Genji Gloves (1) + Defeat Gilgamesh3 (Xexat's Fleet) - Genji Helm (1) + Defeat Gilgamesh4 (Castle Exdeath) - Kornago Gourd (2) + Defeat Omniscient - Titan's Gloves (1) + Defeat Azulmagia - Titan's Axe (2) + Defeat Apocalypse - Tinklebell (1) + Defeat Twintania - Genji Shield (1) + Treasurebox before Gilgamesh5 (Interdimensional Rift) - Genji Armor (1) + Treasurebox before Gilgamesh6 (Interdimensional Rift) These are the missables that are NOT changed by this patch. In other words, they are still missable: - Excalipoor (a joke item you don't want anyway, but you can steal it from Gilgamesh4) - Brave Blade (if you choose the Chicken Knife) - Chicken Knife (if you choose the Brave Blade) And of course, you can always hose yourself by throwing or selling a unique weapon. These patches won't prevent that. The following sections are optional advanced reading in case you want to know about all the changes in detail, including the hex bytes for each change! ***************************************************************************************************** 3.) ff5_nomissables_shop_price_changes.ips - Detailed Changes This section lists the changes to shop data, price data, and event data in detail for Patch 1. * Walse Weapon Shop now sells the Spear: -- Note: Though this is earlier than you can normally get the Spear, the next town (Karnak) already sells its replacement (Mythril Spear). -- Shop Inventory: +Spear, Battle Axe, Long Sword, Dagger -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2D89: 21 0E 03 00 00 00 00 00 -> 18 21 0E 03 00 00 00 00 * Crescent Weapon Shop now sells the Spear and Battle Axe: -- Note: The Spear is sold here as well so that it remains available at the end of the game, after you lose access to the Walse shop. Battle Axe was also added just to cover the rest of the Walse items. -- Shop Inventory: +Spear, +Battle Axe, Flame Bow, Frost Bow, Thunder Bow, Silver Harp -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2DE3: 3F 40 41 47 00 00 00 00 -> 18 21 3F 40 41 47 00 00 * Crescent Armor Shop now sells the Kenpo Gi and Iron Shield: -- Note: The rest of the Iron gear was added as well, because it looked goofy otherwise. -- Shop Inventory: +Iron Shield, +Iron Helm, +Iron Armor, Plumed Hat, Sage's Surplice, +Kenpo Gi -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2DEC: 90 AA 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 83 8B 9C 90 AA A2 00 00 * Quelb Armor Shop now sells the Thief's Gloves: -- Note: Though this is earlier than you can usually get subsequent copies of the Thief's Gloves, this is where it makes the most sense. -- Shop Inventory: Headband, Power Sash, Power Armlet, +Thief's Gloves -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2E85: 96 B9 BA 00 00 00 00 00 -> 96 B9 BA B0 00 00 00 00 * Moore Weapon Shop now sells the Javelin and Blitz Whip: -- Note: Though this is earlier than you can usually get subsequent copies of the Blitz Whip, its competitor (Chain Whip) was already sold one town ago. -- Shop Inventory: Air Knife, +Javelin, Elven Bow, +Blitz Whip -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2EBB: 0A 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0A 17 44 4D 00 00 00 00 * Phantom Village Weapon Shop now sells the Power Staff: -- Shop Inventory: Flametongue, Icebrand, Gaia Hammer, Morning Star, Rune Bow, Kiku-ichimonji, Partisan, +Power Staff -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2F27: 57 58 26 5F 67 2D 1C 00 -> 57 58 26 5F 67 2D 1C 3A * Dwarf Magic Shop is a new shop that sells all the missable magic spells: -- Shop Inventory: +Romeo's Ballad, +Alluring Air, +Mana's Paean, +Shiva, +Ramuh, +Golem, +Catoblepas, +Carbuncle -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2F03: 21 23 34 35 46 47 00 00 -> 5D 5E 5A 4B 4C 4F 50 51 * Dwarf Item Shop is a new shop that sells endgame items: -- Note: This shop wasn't necessary to add for missables, but the room felt oddly asymmetrical with four tables and three shops, so this shop was added to fix the symmetry. -- Shop Inventory: +Elixir, +Phoenix Down, +Holy Water, +Goliath Tonic, +Power Drink, +Speed Shake, +Iron Draft, +Hero Cocktail -- Shop Bytes: $D1/2F1E: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> E3 E4 E6 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 * New Item Price Bytes: -- $D1/2A2E: 01 0A -> 02 55 (Javelin: 8500 Gil) -- $D1/2A30: 01 0A -> 01 46 (Spear: 700 Gil) * New Summon Price Bytes: -- $D1/2C96: 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A -> 01 3C 01 3C 01 3C (Lv2 Summons: 600 Gil) -- $D1/2C9C: 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A -> 02 1E 02 1E 02 1E (Lv3 Summons: 3000 Gil) -- $D1/2CA2: 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A -> 02 3C 02 3C 02 3C (Lv4 Summons: 6000 Gil) -- $D1/2CA8: 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A -> 03 0A 03 0A 03 0A (Lv5 Summons: 10000 Gil) * New Bard Song Price Bytes: -- $D1/2CAE: 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A -> 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A 01 0A (Songs: 1000 Gil) -- $D1/2CB6: 02 0A 02 0A 02 0A 02 0A -> 02 0A 02 0A 02 0A 02 0A (Songs: 1000 Gil) * How to access the new shops: To access the two new shops, visit the Dwarven Kingdom's Weapon/Armor shop. Talking to the shopkeeper here from different sides of the table causes a separate shop to come up. Previously two of the shops were repeated, since there are two shops and four directions, but after this patch all four directions result in different shops: PREVIOUS: NEW: Armor Magic <-- new missable shop --------- --------- Weapons | Dwarf | Weapons Weapons | Dwarf | Armor --------- --------- Armor Items <-- endgame items, similar to Phantom Village Item Shop Three bytes in event data needed to be changed in order to redirect these shop calls to the new shop inventories: * Event Bytes: -- $C9/285A: 34 -> 35 (Change SOUTH from Armor Shop to previously unused Item Shop) -- $C9/F925: 34 -> 32 (Change NORTH from Armor Shop to previously unused Magic Shop) -- $C9/F92E: 33 -> 34 (Change EAST from Weapon Shop to Armor Shop) ***************************************************************************************************** 4.) ff5_nomissables_treasure_monster_changes.ips - Detailed Changes This section lists the changes to treasure data, monster data, and event data in detail for Patch 2. * Gilgamesh3 (Xexat's Fleet) now drops the Genji Gloves instead of requiring a missable steal: -- Drop: WAS Gold Shield -> NOW Genji Gloves -- Steal: WAS Genji Gloves -> NOW Gold Shield -- Monster Bytes: $D0/54B4: 00 C9 00 85 -> 00 85 00 C9 * Gilgamesh4 (Castle Exdeath) is no longer a missable battle. He will now attack you even if you ignore the empty treasurebox: -- Event Bytes: $D8/F7B9: FC 4A -> FB 4B * Gilgamesh4 (Castle exdeath) now drops the Genji Helm instead of requiring a missable steal. He will now also drop the Genji Helm even if you kill him too fast: -- Drop (form 1): WAS Nothing -> NOW Genji Helm -- Drop (form 2): WAS Excalipoor -> NOW Genji Helm -- Steal (form 1): Hi-Potion/Gauntlets (Unchanged) -- Steal (form 2): WAS Genji Helm -> NOW Excalipoor -- Monster Bytes: $D0/5574: C2 E1 00 00 -> C2 E1 00 C7 (form 2) $D0/54D8: 00 C7 00 5C -> 00 5C 00 C7 (form 1) * Omniscient now drops the Kornago Gourd instead of requiring a missable rare steal: -- Drop: WAS Nothing -> NOW Kornago Gourd -- Steal: WAS Potion/Kornago Gourd -> NOW Gold Needle -- Monster Bytes: $D0/5514: C5 E0 00 00 -> 00 EC 00 C5 * Azulmagia now drops the Titan's Gloves instead of requiring a missable rare steal: -- Drop: WAS Nothing/Black Cowl -> NOW Titan's Gloves -- Steal: WAS Elixir/Titan's Gloves -> NOW Elixir/Black Cowl -- Monster Bytes: $D0/555C: B1 E3 98 00 -> 98 E3 00 B1 * Apocalypse now drops the Titan's Axe instead of requiring a missable steal from Twintania: -- Drop: WAS Gold Needle -> NOW Titan's Axe -- Steal: Elixir/Cottage (Unchanged) -- Monster Bytes: $D0/5560: F1 E3 00 EC -> F1 E3 00 6A * Twintania now drops the Tinklebell guaranteed, regardless of his form, instead of it being a rare chance in a specific form: -- Drop (form 1): WAS Nothing/Murasame -> NOW Tinklebell -- Drop (form 2): WAS Nothing/Tinklebell -> NOW Tinklebell -- Steal (form 1): WAS Titan's Axe -> NOW Murasame -- Steal (form 2): Phoenix Down/Flame Shield (Unchanged) -- Monster Bytes: $D0/540C: 00 6A 2E 00 -> 00 2E 00 53 (form 1) $D0/5568: C4 E4 53 00 -> C4 E4 00 53 (form 2) -- Note: Titan's Axe was moved to Apocalypse. * The treasurebox before Gilgamesh5 (Interdimensional Rift) now has the Genji Shield instead of requiring a missable steal from Gilgamesh5: -- Treasure: WAS Fuma Shuriken -> NOW Genji Shield -- Drop (Gilgamesh5): Nothing/Rune Bow (Unchanged) -- Steal (Gilgamesh5): WAS Genji Shield -> NOW Fuma Shuriken -- Monster Bytes: $D0/5360: 00 C6 67 00 -> 00 5B 67 00 -- Treasure Bytes: $D1/35EF: 5B -> C6 -- Note: This boss doesn't "die" the normal way, so the safest way to guarantee the item was to put it in a treasurebox. * The treasurebox before Gilgamesh6 (Interdimensional Rift) now has the Genji Armor instead of requiring a missable steal from Gilgamesh6: -- Treasure: WAS Fuma Shuriken -> NOW Genji Armor -- Drop (Gilgamesh6): Nothing (Unchanged) -- Steal (Gilgamesh6): WAS Genji Armor -> NOW Fuma Shuriken -- Monster Bytes: $D0/55BC: 00 C8 00 00 -> 00 5B 00 00 -- Treasure Bytes: $D1/35FF: 5B -> C8 -- Note: This boss doesn't "die" the normal way, so the safest way to guarantee the item was to put it in a treasurebox. ***************************************************************************************************** 5.) Thanks! These lovely people figured this stuff out - I'm just the guy who moved some bytes around and made some ips patches! -- Jorgur's documentation on shops, prices, and monsters made this mod possible! -- Everything made FF6Tools, which was used for deciphering (but not editing) treasure and event data! -- Square originally made this wonderful game. ***************************************************************************************************** 6.) The Disclaimer! -- (C) 2022 Tzepish (Blaine Higdon) -- This archive is not to be distributed with any other files (especially ROMs). It is not to contain any files other than those listed above. -- Tzepish is not responsible for any damages done to your computer, whether you use his patches or not.