All official Nintendo system palettes spanning their various emulators, demo units and Game Boy handheld models and revisions are included in this modification of the Super Game Boy / 2 palette selection. The idea is to port all of the official palettes that Nintendo used in their official Game Boy hardware and emulators as accurately as possible within the limitations of 15-BIT RGB. Palettes for games that were assigned to them were not changed because it would break consistency and compatability with the games. Games affected are Super Mario Land, Tetris, etc. This patch does not specifically focus towards the Game Boy Color palettes because all settings are not possible due to the fact that the SGB cannot disaply OBJ assigned palettes that is possible with the GBC. One GBC palette is included because there was space for only one additional palette; the GBC Reverse palette was chosen because the SGB includes a single dark or night palette and adding a second setting was perfect. A Virtual Boy palette was also included because there was only one more palette and it seemed appropriate since only three shades of red and one black was possible for the final palette setting. Here is a list of palettes I have ported and implemented; additional palettes listede were not included in this set because of the limited number of palette slots available (32). Modified palette settings include: 1H - Game Boy Color Reverse 2B - Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 GB Tower Unused Palette for GB games that do not support SGB palettes 2E - DMG Original true Game Boy 2H - GBP Game Boy true Pocket 4B - MGB Game Boy true Light (on; turning off the backlight is identical to a GBP screen) 4C - Famicom Wide Boy / Demo Boy / Demo Boy 2 / Unofficial NES Retrovision Default 4E - Famicom Wide Boy 3 4H - Virtual Boy ROM notes: Replace 8 with 0 for use with bsnes / higan. SGB Palette A1 828000?? 828001?? 828002?? 828004?? 828005?? 828006?? 828007?? 828008?? Set SGB Palette A1 to true DMG palette 8280010F 8280028C 8280030E 828004C8 82800521 82800623 82800725 Set SGB Palette H2 to GBP Game Boy Pocket (revision 1) 8280785A 8280796B 82807A14 82807B42 82807C10 82807D21 82807E88 82807F0C Set SGB Palette H2 to GBP Game Boy Pocket (revision 2; most accurate) 8280787C 8280795B 82807AB6 82807B3E 82807CB0 82807D21 82807E0A 82807F15 Set SGB Palette H4 to MGB Game Boy Light (on) 8280F8C0 8280F942 8280FA60 8280FB3A 8280FCA0 8280FD25 8280FE20 8280FF1D Set SGB Palette H1 to GBC-reverse 82803800 82803900 82803A00 82803B42 82803C7F 82803D03 82803EFF 82803F7F Set SGB Palette C4 to Virtual Boy 8280D000 8280D100 8280D210 8280D300 8280D416 8280D500 8280D61F 8280D700 Set SGB Palette B4 to White Red Brown black 8280C8FF 8280C97F 8280CA1F 8280CB00 8280CC08 8280CD01 8280CE00 8280CF00 Set SGB Palette B2 to custom palette (white yellow red black) 828048FF 8280497F 82804AFF 82804B03 82804C1F 82804D00 82804E00 82804F00 Set SGB Palette B2 to custom palette 828048 828049 82804A 82804B 82804C 82804D 82804E 82804F Set SGB Palette E2 to custom palette (white light blue dark blue black) 828060FF 8280617F 8280628A 8280637E 82806400 8280657C 82806600 82806700 Set SGB Palette E4 to custom palette (light blue, green, red, black) 8280C8EE 8280C97F 8280CAA0 8280CB13 8280CC5F 8280CD00 8280CE00 8280CF00 Set SGB Palette H2 to GBP Game Boy Pocket (Revision 1) 8280785A 8280796B 82807A14 82807B42 82807C10 82807D21 82807E88 82807F0C Set SGB Palette H2 to GBP Game Boy Pocket; most accurate (Your contrast potentiometer may beg to differ. I don't actually own a Game Boy Pocket unit to verify-this was done by memory from 22 years ago.) 8280787B 82807953 82807AD6 82807B3E 82807C11 82807D22 82807E6C 82807F15 Revision 3 (FINAL) (Higher contrast potentiometer wheel tuned slighly up) 82807878 8280795B 82807A11 82807B43 82807C6A 82807D26 82807EC9 82807F1D Set SGB Palette H4 to MGB Game Boy Light (on) 8280F8C0 8280F942 8280FA60 8280FB3A 8280FCA0 8280FD25 8280FE20 8280FF1D Set SGB Palette H1 to GBC-reverse 82803800 82803900 82803A00 82803B42 82803C7F 82803D03 82803EFF 82803F7F Set SGB Palette B4 to White Red Brown black 8280C8FF 8280C97F 8280CA1F 8280CB00 8280CC08 8280CD01 8280CE00 8280CF00 Set SGB Palette E4 to custom palette (light blue, green, red, black) 8280C8EE 8280C97F 8280CAA0 8280CB13 8280CC5F 8280CD00 8280CE00 8280CF00 Set SGB Palette B2 with Game Boy Color Orange 828048FF 8280497F 82804AFF 82804B03 82804C1F 82804D00 82804E00 82804F00 Please rate, comment and subscribe for more content! Patreon: and also cohost for more fun!: