Very Hard Type weapon scaling adjustments* accuracy on all weapons has been decreased to 1 (increase firearms skill to raise accuracy) decrease to weapon damage start with strength and charisma at 1 instead of 3 slap patches heal 50% less.. 5hp instead of 10 your magic costs 2x more mp.. all spells cost 4 more mp to cast your magic is 50% less effective in damage and duration dermal armor only gives 1 armor point instead of 2 high-tier armor is 1 armor point less-effective (matches strength requirement) Orc, Mage, and Heavy Dude's base hit points are doubled enemies drop 50-75% less nuyen the colt is auto-fire *very hard weapon scaling adjustments gun- original str.dam.acc. - very hard str.dam.acc berreta- 1.3.1 - 1.1.1 colt- 1.3.1 - 1.2.1 Fichetti- 1.4.1 - 1.3.1 Viper- 2.4.2 - 2.4.2 WHawk- 3.6.2 - 3.5.1 Shotty- 4.8.2 - 4.6.1 uzi- 4.8.3 - 3.7.1 Rifle- 5.10.2 - 5.8.1 Cannon- 5.20.6 - 5.15.1 There is a great risk-reward ratio to be found in Shadowrun as the difficulty scale increases. The further out a player gets from their last nap, the riskier the rewards become. Save often chummer. All thanks go to Tony Hedstrom for the very awesome Shadowrun editor. What a legend.