Super Robot Wars Compact - Easier Hack Although it is a Super Robot series, this work has an attractive quality like a well-made PC-made doujin software. However, in addition to the slow processing unique to WonderSwan, the cost of repairs and remodeling is high even though the amount of money earned when defeating an enemy is small, so even if there is a shortage of funds, stress will accumulate. For light users who want to play comfortably, the economic cost has been greatly reduced. Please try it. "SRW-Compact Easier.ips" This is "Super Robot Wars Compact for WonderSwanColor" IPS patch. [Changes] - SP consumption value 1/5, unit modification cost 1/10, weapon modification cost reduced to 1/3 - Swap repair costs and earned funds - Units with 4 or less parts slots are +1 - Lowered the HP of units with HP over 15000. P.S. I used MasMin to analyze this hack. EOF