Super Robot Wars Compact 2-1 Easier Hack The cost of repairs and remodeling is high even though the amount of money earned when defeating an enemy is small, so even if there is a shortage of funds, stress will accumulate. For light users who want to play comfortably, the economic cost has been greatly reduced. Please try it. "SRW-Compact 2-1 Easier.ips" This is "Super Robot Wars Compact 2 dai 1-bu: Chijo gekido-hen" IPS patch. [Changes] - SP consumption value 1/5, unit modification cost 1/10, weapon modification cost reduced to 1/3 - Swap repair costs and earned funds - Units with 4 or less parts slots are +1 - Lowered the HP of units with HP over 15000. P.S. I used MasMin to analyze this hack. EOF