mastermind (c)2013 celestina software(r) intro: insert the cart into the gameboy then turn on power. at the logo press start to go into the title screen. press start to play the game,a option menu will appear,use cross to select/modify various parameters then start to init game. game mode a is simpler,the hints pegs correspond in position with the numbers/colors pegs, mode b is harder,it rearrange them without any link beetween them. in game screen use left or right to select a peg then up or down to changd their a to advance and hint pegs will appear near the code entered. in mode a,a black peg indicate that the correspond peg is found in the secret code and is in the right position,a white one that the peg is in the code bt in wrong position. in mode b the meaning is the same but the positions isnt linked anymore. you can do this a limited amount of times,listed in bottom right of the screen,at bottom right is listed the n.of rounds to win and at the top the current status of both players. you win a round if guess correctly the sectret code or you lose if used all tentatives. while in game if you wish to abort,press start to pause(cross do anyting while paused)and press select to go to main title(or press start to resume)