Anguna Version 0.95 Nathan Tolbert (gauauu), 2008 ------------------------------------- Controls: A - Attack B - 2nd Item Start - pause/subscreen Select - save menu L/R - switch 2nd item (if you have one) L/R from subscreen - view enemy stats Secrets can be found by killing all enemies in rooms, or by walking through certain walls. For help getting started, tips, and more information, see -------------------------------------- Credits Programming and Game Design: Nathan Tolbert (gauauu) Artwork: Chris Hidenbrand (Daydream) Music: Jessie Tracer (Electric Keet) Fred Scalliet (Magic Fred /TFL-TDV) Audio Engine: Pimpmobile by Kusma Special Thanks to: Refmap project (see below) Additional art Jasper Vijn (Cearn) Usenti, Tonc, Code samples, and more Dave Murphy (wintermute) Devkitpro Josh Wankel, Elijah Gioja, Jong Lee, Dennis Tseng, Irashtar, Eric Chiz, Max Neweklowsky, Stevan Baird, Eric Wells, Alphanoob, another world, Jeremy Gunkel, John Seabaugh, Spiridow Thanks for playtesting & feedback! -------------------------------------- Distributing Anguna Anguna may be distributed freely in binary form, as long as the text of this file is made available with it. Graphics, music, and other resources may not be used in outside projects without permission, with the exception of: REFMAP graphics: "Some of graphic data in this software are free game resources distributed by REFMAP ( You must not use the graphic data which is in this software, for the purpose except playing this game. When you want to get these resources, go to the website above." Magic Fred's music: Hurtless by Magic Fred is available under a fairly open non-commerical license. See his website for more details. --------------------------------------- Changes: 0.95 -fixed viewing map in caves would lock up game 0.94 -fixed room in prison dungeon where you could walk off the top of the screen using boots -fixed issue with exiting overworld areas diagonally didn't transition to next area -removed tree with missing trunk from overworld -fixed random pixel palette swapping in main menu when you toggle between new game/continue -added collision at south end of large river, to avoid walking off edge of world -enemy database now clears when new game selected 0.93 -Subscreen/map/enemy database shows last one shown, not always item subscreen -Desert dungeon willow-o-wisp not always stuck in wall 0.92 -A few water tile collision fixes -Unlinked buggy connection between a particular life powerup and a boulder 0.91 -Fixed problem with percentage complete display