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A 2016 (L) Ragnarokr Project and EN.i Studios Production ......... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ...... Made for the bitbitJAM3 held from June 27th to July 4th of 2016 ...... ...... The game features the story of Hilda, a young princess who lost ...... ...... all of her family in the war against the enemy. All but her older ...... ...... sister, who is missing. ...... ...... ...... ...... She sets to find her sister, and attain revenge for her parents ...... ...... death, along with the future restoration of her kingdom. ...... ...... ...... ...... What will happen next? ...... ............................................................................... ...... Art: Orochii Zouveleki ...... ...... Music: Orochii and EN.i ...... ...... Coding: Orochii and EN.i ...... ............................................................................... ...... Version: 1.0-Release Candidate 1 ...... ...... Platform: SNES ...... ...... ROM size: 2Mbit ...... ...... File size: 256kb ...... ...... Language: English ...... ...... Region: USA ...... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... Developer's thoughs. ............................................................................... Well, my friend EN.i is already asleep so I'll have to suffice you with anecdotes, heh. Being frank, I was hoping this to be more of a challenge because of my C language ineptitude, but nope! I even feel more confident with my skillz! (not that much because I took a peek to some other contestants coding and it's absolutely bonkers how cool they code! "orz). But anyway, EN.i and I died several times this week. Either managing to work backgrounds, or trying to get music and sound (for some reason the SPC module LOVES to crash!). In the end, we had to limit ourselves quite a lot because of time constraints and overall stress HA! My back hurts because of it. It's sad that the library we were using has not seen any update since 2014, so there's that, also there is no community of it as far as we two know. But nevertheless, it was quite a lot of fun doing this, even with a thing with zero backup. I hope this revives, C programming for SNES seems like a good idea to me. C is fun and more accessible than assembly, of which I know close to -65536. En fin! Whatever! Have fun with this game, hopefully as much fun as we had doing it. And maaaaaybe in a distant future we could think about either expanding this, or due to lack of masochism remaking this game in anything else. Even Genesis or GBC seem like a better idea! I'm sorry SNES, my one and only love. All Hail SNES! Hasta la vista! By the way, our native is Spanish so expect some Broken-English. :'D ............................................................................... ............................................................................... COMPILING HILDA In order to compile the game (whatever the reason you have), you must set things up for PVsneslib. Documentation is kind of scarce, but most of how to set it up is in this wiki: http://www.portabledev.com/wiki/doku.php?id=installation_en Any other documentation you have is included with PVSneslib itself as a Doxygen documentation (that thing that generates docs from your code and some tags). Keep it close! Please take into consideration that following the steps in the wiki you'll encounter two major problems: -The links for downloading PVsneslib, devkitsnes and the examples are down. Fortunately you can download a newer version than the one in that place from this other link: https://github.com/nArnoSNES/pvsneslib -By following the steps in the tutorial, you'll not be able to compile anything. I suggest you use any of the examples in the snes-examples folder as a template instead of the one provided by the PVsneslib library. Overall with these two things you should be ready to go! Remember to check the directories at the first lines of your Makefile, and yeah! Good luck! ............................................................................... ............................................................................... END OF FILE. ............................................................................... July 4th, 2016