------------ PATCHING ------------ A patcher called "beat" is needed for this patch. Download it and follow these steps: - If the romset is in a compressed file (.zip), extract it to a folder and change the folder's name to something else. - Open "beat" and click on "Apply Patch". - Choose the BPM file. - Choose the folder with the game's ROMs. - Inside the "roms" folder of MAME, create a folder for the patched ROMs, name it "karatedo", and choose it. If a message saying "Patch application was successful" pops - you did it! YAY! ---------------------------------- OPENING THE TRANSLATION ---------------------------------- To open the game in MAME on Windows: - Open the FIle Explorer on the folder containing the "mame.exe" executable. - Click on the line where the folder path appears, and enter "cmd". - A Command Prompt should open. From there, enter either: mame karatedo for regular settings, or: mame karatedo -nofilter for cancelling the blurring filter.