LAND MAKER MA97/ywy English Translation v1.0 Taito F3 (arcade) Source: ================== # I. INTRODUCTION ================== This is an English story translation patch for Land Maker (2.02, Taito F3, 1998), a vs. puzzle game set in a Chinese Shenmo fiction-inspired world. "Five Evils. Born from condensed yin qi of the earth. The Five Evil Hermits(evil Sennin taken in by yin), inspired by the Five Evils, polluted the world with evil spirits, destroying many countries. Sennin with the powers of the Five Ancestors fought with the Five Evil Hermits and defeated them, but much of the world's land had sunk to the bottom of the sea. Only one continent remained, with a culture resembling ancient China. Refugees from the sunken continents fled there to establish new countries. Thus different cultures, influenced by the ancient culture, began to coexist. This is the beginning of a new conflict..." (flyer backstory) The Japanese version of the game featured a full script of win quotes and ending messages for every character - 16 win quotes and 3 written endings for the normal characters, and 8 win quotes and 1 ending for the secret boss characters. The other releases stubbed this story out with simple "you lose/win" and "congratulations" graphics. (The Playstation ports are only a partial translation, keeping only 4 win quotes per character, and the translation that does exist is generally of questionable quality and fraught with errors.) NOTE: you will need a recent (at time of writing) emulator version to display the messages correctly (MAME >= 0.253 or FBNeo newer than 6 April 2023). Also please note that this patch *will* desync with vanilla 2.02O in certain online netplay solutions due to needing to patch out Taito's typo correction hacks (not to mention the emulators used being too outdated to render the text correctly). =========================== # 2. PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS =========================== ! IMPORTANT ! This patch modifies graphics roms shared by the Japanese set (landmakrj). If you still want to use that version, back up the tile gfx files (e61-07.43 e61-08.45 e61-09.47) and copy them to the landmakrj subfolder after the patching process. Because of the number of individual ROM files that require patching, it is recommended that you use 12's multi-patcher: Otherwise, any patcher compatible with the .bps format should work as usual -- patch files are named according to the file they target. The following instructions assume the use of 1. Select/drag MAME-compatible `` set containing e61-07.43 CRC(4a57965d) e61-08.45 CRC(76c98e14) e61-09.47 CRC(6ba29987) e61-16.17 CRC(b073cda9) e61-17.18 CRC(710776a8) e61-18.19 CRC(5a26c9e0) e61-19.20 CRC(f92eccd0) 2. Select/drag `` from this release. 12's patcher will automatically assign patch files based on name. 3. Click "Apply Patches" to generate the patched files (other files will be copied unmodified) to the staging area. PATCHED crcs: e61-07.43 CRC(f521c022) e61-08.45 CRC(52288694) e61-09.47 CRC(bac13c54) e61-16.17 CRC(253c94b6) e61-17.18 CRC(6e15a67b) e61-18.19 CRC(58f9e498) e61-19.20 CRC(585f410c) 4. "Save as .zip" to retrieve. 5. (OPTIONAL - they/them Youen headcanon patch) The patch is already complete and ready to run in MAME or FBNeo. However, if preferred, included is a patch to change Youen's endings from using he/him to they/them. - Refresh to clear input files - Select the output zip from step 4 as input rom files - Select/drag `` to load the extra patches - Apply and save PATCHED crcs: e61-07.43 CRC(61eb74c5) e61-08.45 CRC(1dc4768a) e61-09.47 CRC(42c02e1e) e61-16.17 CRC(5504180b) e61-17.18 CRC(777b1396) =================== # 3. PATCH CREDITS =================== COORDINATOR/TOOL DEVELOPER: ywy TRANSLATOR: MA97 FONT SPECIALIST: 12 SPECIAL THANKS (TIME TRAVEL): niconii ======================== # 4. TRANSLATOR'S NOTES ======================== This game has an interesting setting with creative character and sound design, and yet there is so little text both inside and outside the game to tell the characters' stories. I wanted to work on this project because translating the text would be a great way for me to get to know the characters better. Translation always involves fighting against limitations, and sadly the original EN release seems to have had a considerable number of those. This time, to mitigate the limitation on screen space, we decided to go with a smaller font size (14px rather than the 16px text in the original and PS1 EN release). This allowed for more leeway to get the original meaning through and express the different personalities of the characters. All the characters' personalities were fun to work with, but I found the narrator both fun and challenging in particular. Some lines from the narrator were given with a wise, all-knowing perspective, while others were delivered with a subtle but strong sense of wit. It was hard to capture the narrator's voice precisely, but I tried my best in the translation. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the other members in this project for their own efforts as well as their valuable feedback on the translation, and I hope that this release better captures the essence of the original for English-speaking players to enjoy. =========== # 5. MISC. =========== ## Character profiles (originally published in Gamest): ## How to play: ## How to achieve different endings: ## Cheat codes: wait through the attract intro without inserting any credits until the white "LAND MAKER" title appears. at this screen one of the three codes can be accepted: - SHOT LEFT RIGHT SHOT = "Another World" mode, different board layouts and graphics. Aifa will appear if entered correctly. - SHOT RIGHT LEFT SHOT = Boss character(Ranju/Gaira) unlock. Youen will appear if entered correctly. - SHOT LEFT RIGHT LEFT SHOT = Combination Another World + boss unlock. Aifa and Youen will both appear if entered correctly (cute..). ## Bypass MAME checksum errors: mame will refuse to run modified files from the UI. invoke mame from the command prompt instead. > mame.exe landmakr for a full list of command line options, see or `mame.exe -showusage` ## Possible FBNeo driver entry: static struct BurnRomInfo landmakrheRomDesc[] = { { "e61-19he01.20", 0x080000, 0x585f410c, TAITO_68KROM1_BYTESWAP32 }, // 0 68ec20 Code { "e61-18he01.19", 0x080000, 0x58f9e498, TAITO_68KROM1_BYTESWAP32 }, // 1 { "e61-17he01.18", 0x080000, 0x6e15a67b, TAITO_68KROM1_BYTESWAP32 }, // 2 { "e61-16he01.17", 0x080000, 0x253c94b6, TAITO_68KROM1_BYTESWAP32 }, // 3 { "e61-03.12", 0x200000, 0xe8abfc46, TAITO_SPRITESA_BYTESWAP }, // 4 Sprites { "e61-02.08", 0x200000, 0x1dc4a164, TAITO_SPRITESA_BYTESWAP }, // 5 { "e61-01.04", 0x200000, 0x6cdd8311, TAITO_SPRITESA }, // 6 { "e61-09he01.47", 0x200000, 0xbac13c54, TAITO_CHARS_BYTESWAP }, // 7 Layer Tiles { "e61-08he01.45", 0x200000, 0x52288694, TAITO_CHARS_BYTESWAP }, // 8 { "e61-07he01.43", 0x200000, 0xf521c022, TAITO_CHARS }, // 9 { "e61-14.32", 0x040000, 0x18961bbb, TAITO_68KROM2_BYTESWAP }, // 10 68k Code { "e61-15.33", 0x040000, 0x2c64557a, TAITO_68KROM2_BYTESWAP }, // 11 { "e61-04.38", 0x200000, 0xc27aec0c, TAITO_ES5505_BYTESWAP }, // 12 Ensoniq Samples { "e61-05.39", 0x200000, 0x83920d9d, TAITO_ES5505_BYTESWAP }, // 13 { "e61-06.40", 0x200000, 0x2e717bfe, TAITO_ES5505_BYTESWAP }, // 14 { "pal16l8a-d77-09.ic14", 0x104, 0xb371532b, 0 }, // 15 plds { "pal16l8a-d77-10.ic28", 0x104, 0x42f59227, 0 }, // 16 { "palce16v8q-d77-11.ic37", 0x117, 0xeacc294e, 0 }, // 17 { "palce16v8q-d77-12.ic48", 0x117, 0xe9920cfe, 0 }, // 18 { "palce16v8q-d77-15.ic21", 0x117, 0x00000000, 0 | BRF_NODUMP },// 19 }; struct BurnDriver BurnDrvLandmakrhe = { "landmakrhe", "landmakr", NULL, NULL, "2023", "Land Maker (English Translation Hack)\0", NULL, "hack (ywy)", "Taito F3 System", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, BDF_GAME_WORKING | BDF_CLONE | BDF_HACK | BDF_HISCORE_SUPPORTED, 2, HARDWARE_TAITO_MISC, GBF_PUZZLE, 0, NULL, landmakrheRomInfo, landmakrheRomName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, F3InputInfo, F3DIPInfo, landmakrInit, DrvExit, DrvFrame, DrvDraw, DrvScan, &TaitoF3PalRecalc, 0x2000, 320, 232, 4, 3 };