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Neon Genesis Evangelion - Typing Project Advanced (Shinseiki Evangelion: Typing Hokan Keikaku)
English Translation v1.0
Developed by Derek Pascarella (ateam)
Project Page:
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.-----------::[ Patching Instructions ]::-----------
| The .DCP patch file shipped with this release is designed for use with
| Universal Dreamcast Patcher:
| Note that Universal Dreamcast Patcher supports both TOSEC-style GDI and
| Redump-style CUE disc images as source input.
| 1) Click "Select GDI or CUE" to open the source disc image.
| 2) Click "Select Patch" to open the .DCP patch file.
| 3) Click "Apply Patch" to generate the patched GDI.
| - The patched GDI will be generated in the folder from which the
| application is launched.
| 4) Click "Quit" to exit the application.
.------------::[ v1.0 Release Notes ]::-------------
| For all 15 of you out there who appreciated my English translation patch of
| the other "Neon Genesis Evangelion" typing game for Dreamcast, I’m proud to
| present to you the next installment in the series: Neon Genesis Evangelion -
| Typing Project Advanced! It really must be true what they say... The
| Dream™ never dies.
| In this initial release (which likely also be the only release), all menus,
| options, dialog boxes, and screens have been fully translated. Most cases of
| important spoken dialog have been subtitled where possible, but due to
| technical limitations I was not able to achieve this everywhere.
| Furthermore, all levels are fully playable in English thanks to the clever
| hack I worked out for the first game.
| For those curious as to how that works, or for those wondering why the font
| of typed words in-game seems a bit off, please refer back to the release
| notes for v2.0 of my English translation patch for "Typing Project E":
| (link to GitHub project page)
| Moving on, the "WEBPAGE" option on the title screen takes you to a browser
| that displays a website that's stored directly on the disc. All of that
| page’s links are dead, though. The sparse findings on were not
| compelling enough to warrant a translation. I considered including a fully
| unlocked save within the browser like I did for "Sakura Wars: Columns 2", but
| ultimately decided against it. "Columns" was a far bigger and more difficult
| game to fully unlock, yet I still wanted fans to be able to experience all of
| its amazing content. "Typing Project Advanced" is a different story.
| A hidden level (Level 7) is unlocked after levels 1 through 6 are cleared
| with decent enough scores (i.e. minimal typos). If you can manage a perfect
| score on every level (i.e. no typos), then a "BONUS" entry will be added to
| the title screen. This option is actually the dancing stage from "Typing
| Project E", so nothing too exciting there for those who played the first game.
| The last thing to note is the presence of certain keyboard-input options in a
| couple areas of the game that clearly state something to the effect of
| "English Translation Mode" and "Non-Working Original Mode". Quite obvious, I
| know. However, I wanted to make mention here in the release notes that using
| the non-working mode will, of course, not work!
| All of that being said, I hope those reading these release notes and playing
| this game are happy to have another excuse to bust out their Dreamcast
| keyboards. In closing, I want to thank all of the wonderful people in the
| Dreamcast scene for their awesome passion for SEGA’s swan song console.
| The Dreamcast has always been, and always will be, a huge part of my life.
| Yet, without the fans, none of that would be possible. Keep Dreaming™, my
| friends...
.-----------------::[ Changelog ]::-----------------
| -> 2021-06-29 (v1.0)
| -Initial release.