English Title: The Nameless Game Japanese Title: Nanashi no Game Version: v1.2 Released: November 07th, 2011 --- NOTICE --- This is a completely free patch. You've been ripped off if you had to pay for it. We are not liable for any damage arising from the use of this patch or the patcher. This patch has been translated into UK English, so "colour" and "centre" are correct spellings, people live in "flats", and punctuation follows UK English rules. These aspects of the text are not typos and will not be changed. Tested emulators: no$gba works fine but you'll need the program that enables you to rotate no$gba's screen to play it comfortably. DeSmuME works fine as long as you do not use the OpenGL mode under the 3D Settings menu or else there will be some graphic glitches. Known working flashcarts: CycloDS Evolution - Firmware: v2.3 R4 Revolution - Firmware: Wood R4 Known broken flashcarts: Acekard 2i - Firmware: AKAIO 1.8.8 - If saving does not work properly, delete any previous save data stored on your card and then set the save type to 64k. Everything else seems fine. --- ROM Info --- Original ROM info: If your ROM does not match then it is not a clean dump and might not work. (Data from http://datomatic.no-intro.org/?page=show_record&n=2420&s=28) Filename: ind-nngj.nds Size: 67108864 bytes CRC32: 057D0B3F MD5: EE9BCF9A65F7A01BDABBA79053280922 SHA-1: 0715B1FD78B4064B77C75A92186DB99E288B7760 Output patched ROM info: Filename: The_Nameless_Game.nds Size: 68743360 bytes CRC32: 90A04D40 MD5: B8FCD6501C37C755B7C366C3FF19965E SHA-1: 7392E2D25354F77BBD6C3B0A16F3B40EB061B1A1 The windows patch.bat will verify the MD5 of the before and after to check if the patching process was successful. It is recommended to check the MD5 of the input and output if you do not use the provided tools. --- Instructions --- Patch instructions for Windows: 1) Drag .nds file onto patch.bat This should output a patch file in the same directory as the file that you dragged. So if you dragged C:\file.nds, the new file will be C:\file_new.nds. If that doesn't work: 1) Put .nds file in same folder as patch.bat and rename it to "ind-nngj.nds". 2) Double click patch.bat. This should output a new .nds file in the same directory as patch.bat. Patch instructions for other operating systems: For Mac OS X only: http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/746/ For Mac OS X and *nix systems: 1) Open a terminal. 2) Extract "The_Nameless_Game.patch" to the same directory as the .nds file. 3) Use the "cd" command to change directories to where the .nds file is. 4) Type "bspatch (.nds file) The_Nameless_Game.nds The_Nameless_Game.patch" (without quotes). Replace (.nds file) with the file you want to patch. For example, "bspatch ind-nngj.nds The_Nameless_Game.nds The_Nameless_Game.patch" This should output a file named The_Nameless_Game.nds in the same directory. If that doesn't work: Check your distro's repository and install the bsdiff package if it is available. Or you can download the source code and compile it yourself: http://www.daemonology.net/bsdiff/ --- Credits --- summvs - Translator Ryusui - Image Editor, Proofreader Nagato - Project Leader, Hacker, Programmer G-Han - Additional Translator Sora de Eclaune - Tester GhostCar - Tester