Tools for applying bps patches: Online patcher: Flips (Windows): Flips (source code): multipatch (macOS): mltipatch (macOS, source code): How to use a patcher: Obviously it's a bit different for each program, but you generally just select a source rom (nds), a patch file (bps), and it produces a patched rom for you. For Flips you may need to set the file selector to "all file types." For anybody who wants to verify their files: Hashes of the original, untouched rom (67108864 bytes/64MB): (from!!) CRC32 AAE3A6B9 MD5 f8d7bd7073fa384561888c8e4624174a SHA-1 fd7694296a093a8620e11eadb2c5938cc13fa753 Hashes from Japanese antipiracy-fix rom (67108864 bytes/64MB): CRC32 062CE822 MD5 c1d1fcd56c2eb34411c9c736ba8d7cd0 SHA-1 8fd8d1e6143f9daceb93fc531e0c4ce43af894f1 Hashes for the final English patched rom (52049792 bytes/50MB): CRC32 F55480DE MD5 aa5f195a35bff3eda7458f081fa7f6fb SHA-1 23677e6dc01dbbe9a349fe07cf61fd14a189f910 Notes: pp20th-en-patch-cleanSource.bps - Apply this patch if you have a clean rom. pp20th-en-b-puyo20th_apfixSource.bps - Apply this patch if your rom already has the anti-piracy patch on it. hash - Algorithm that takes a file, process it, and produces an output unique to that file input. Used to verify two files are identical. They are useful for anybody trying to make sure they have the correct source rom.