____________ \ | \ /\ / __ | | __ __ / \ / / / \ | | | | / \ / / | | |_________/ | | / \/ / _|_ --|-- | \ ___ | | /\ ___ | | | | / \| | | / \ \ | ____ / \ | | | | | o | | | / \ \ | (____ | o | | | __|_________/ \___/| _|_ _|_ \ \_| ____) \___/ _|_ \__/ \ | / \ | / / \__/ / / \ / \/ \/ __________ ================================(Industries)================================ Ballzysoft Industries proudly presents: DIRTY PAIR - PROJECT EDEN a translation for the Nintendo Famicom Disk System Table of Contents: I. Version History Ia. How to Use this Patch II. An Introduction III. Credits IV. Changes V. Status VI. Special Thanks VII. Conclusion/Disclaimer _______________ I.============================(VERSION HISTORY)============================= Version .9 - (05/31/99)Public beta release _____________________ Ia.=======================(HOW TO USE THIS PATCH)=========================== Quite simple. You need the following to apply this patch and then be able to play the game: -SNEStool.exe (included in this zip) -DirtyPair.ips (the translation patch) -An FDS rom of Dirty Pair... do not ask me for it!! -an emulator to play the game on (http://zophar.net --go to the NES section and download fwNES). Okies, now stick SNEStool, the Dirty Pair rom, and the ips file all in the same directory. Run SNEStool, and select the option "Use IPS". Then select DirtyPair.ips. Then select the rom. And you're done! All you need to do to play your game is to run your modified Dirty Pair rom in fwNES (or if you need an alternative, Famtasia), and enjoy the game! _______________ II.==========================(AN INTRODUCTION)============================== Ballzysoft Industries is a one-man group devoted to hacking classic video games. A new twist to old games, as it were. This is done because of the childhood memories I have of playing these great games, and now, today, reliving the adventures. Only now it is I who calls the shots. I hope that you, too, enjoy the products of Ballzysoft Industries as much as much as I helped to create and reinvent them. I translated this game to show what an icky otaku I can be. I love the sci-fi shlock anime that is "Dirty Pair", so getting this game in full English was a must on my list. Finding a translator for what minute dialogue the game had proved surprisingly difficult. After Chojin lost a completed script translation to the CIH virus, I went to maht from RPGe and got things finished up. There. It only took 6 months. :/ Shoot, and this game isn't even the highest calibur out there... My sweat and blood went into this thing, though, so you gotta give me props there, even if the game kinda does suck. _______ III.=============================(CREDITS)================================== Chris Collette/Ballz (collettecr@vcu.edu) - project leader; title screen hack, text insertion, non-dialogue translation, dialogue touch-up Matt Langille/maht (---) - dialogue translation ????/Spinner 8 (---) - text dump John Paul Murphy/Chojin (---) - preliminary translation (with help from a friend... can't remember his name, so I'll just call him Hugh G. Rection. Thanks Hugh!) _______ IV.==============================(CHANGES)================================== Well now, here's what I used to give you this splendid masterpiece: -a computer ^^ -fwNES -Graphics Inserter/Extractor -Hex Workshop -NaGa -NJStar -Notepad -Paint Shop Pro -Thingy -Tile Layer -weebles!@#$%^ ______ V.===============================(STATUS)=================================== Me and Spinner were a tad suspicious about the fact that we couldn't find much of anything to translate, but it appears everything that needs to be translated has been. Take note: this game is hard. VERY HARD. I myself can't get past stage 2, and I think I've progressed further than anyone else ever has. So the ending dialogue is a bit shaky. maht had some trouble translating a bit of it, and I have no way of testing to make sure I didn't totally screw up the insertion. That's the only reason why this isn't a 1.0 final release. I have on my page savestates if you wanna get to the different levels in the game. If ANYONE can get past stage 2, please, send me your save state!! And tell me what you did, for that matter. That building is a freakin' labyrinth... :/ ______________ VI.==========================(SPECIAL THANKS)=============================== Here we go, and in no particular order: -System[id] for help with the ending dialogue translation -Jair. Once again I made a purty title screen thanks to Graphics Extractor. -toma for his weebles!! -Bandai for making a crappy game to waste my time on. -Braxton, for font and title screen advice -The amigos listed in section III. -The d00dz who made the stuff in section IV. -and the obligatory 10 people whose names should be here but I have forgotten. You know who you are!! Too bad I don't... _______________________ VII.====================(CONCLUSION / DISCLAIMER)=========================== You know what this is, the usual yackity smackity. You can distribute this PATCH as much as you want on the net, just be sure to include all original documentation, and do NOT distribute it as a patched rom or with any other roms for that matter. Roms are like, illegal and stuff. Ballzysoft Industries takes no responsibility if this patch makes your computer blow up or something similar to that effect. Dirty Pair and other aforementioned umm... stuff is all copyright their respective owners. This patch itself is copyright 1999 Ballzysoft Industries. Ballzysoft is yet another victim of the "dot com bubble". That's my story and I'm sticking to it. It's remnants live on at http://rpgd.emulationworld.com/ballz/ . Ask me for roms and I'll keep urinating on your porch. I'm not some weenie otaku cuz I took a cheerleader on a date Saturday night... two years ago, anyways. God damn I wish I had a girlfriend. The secret lies in the cereal. Avoid Coco Puffs like the plague, k?