BREEDER (FDS) Translation by Psyklax v1.0 (20171209) CONTENTS 1. Intro 2. ROM Information 3. Final Thoughts INTRO This is a 100% English translation of Breeder for the Famicom Disk System. The only Japanese text in the game is the disk loading messages ("set side B" and "please wait"), which have been translated. The rest of the game is already in English. ROM INFORMATION This patch will work with the disk file listed in the TOSEC set. A note on CRC32 values for FDS images: the CRC can be different on the file you are using because of several reasons. The disk write date can be different, and the save game file on the disk can be different. The patch should still work in this case - usually any problems will become immediately obvious upon starting the game. I have included two patches: one for headered FDS files and one for unheadered files. If you don't know whether your file has a header, simply make two copies and apply one patch to each. The file that works correctly when starting up is the correct one. TOSEC name: Breeder (1986)(Soft Pro).fds CRC32: DE8FE836 FINAL THOUGHTS There really isn't much to say here: just two simple phrases are changed. Still, it ticks another Japanese game off the list, but whether the game is worth playing is up for debate. It's a strange thing: as far as I can tell, you 'breed' creatures and make them fight each other, without having any input in the fight yourself. I don't know, really, try it for yourself and see! Tools I used for this translation: FCEUX (best NES emulator for debugging and hacking) HxD (general hex editing) Tile Molester (graphics) FDSExplorer (examining FDS file structure) Psyklax