Moero Yakyuuken [Go! Baseball Fist] (Don't ask.) Copyright 1987 Super Pig (Yeah, those same guys who made Pretty Girl's Sexy Derby) Format: Famicom Disk System (1 disk/2 sides) -------------------------------------------------------------- Credits- Laxidman- Game modifications "This is my second project." Utility creation ( Spinner 8-Script dump "and add "neil is a bitch" somewhere" Editing Secondary opinion ( Sardius- Beta testing "I'm gonna get drunk every night!" ( Celes- Translation "Then it stops staying there!" Moose- Translation "Sometimes I do this too!" -------------------------------------------------------------- Moero Yakyuuken is basically strip rock paper scissors, there's not much more to the game except that Emi (the main female character) puts clothes back on when both of you choose the same option (doh!). I think this is what they classify as a "pirate game", so don't expect this to have nut-grabbing graphics. -------------------------------------------------------------- Project length- 10 days. This is my "familarize yourself with NES stuff" project. Forced myself to read through a lot of documents on the Famicom Disk System in order to make sense out of the format, The 6502 modifications done to the game were to allow more eight characters to be displayed at once. With a 64 sprite limit on the Famicom, that wasn't so easy. Sacrifices were made and adjustments to positions were done, but I seriously doubt anyone would notice/care about them. I had originally planned on implementing compression, but considering there was no shortage of space and the pain I experienced while hacking this game, I didn't think there was a point to implement it. If you open the file under a text editor, you can find a bunch of messages I wrote in the blank spots while I was slowly being driven insane (and also the origin of my taking up the project). For those who are reading this because they recognize the name from my other translation. This is why you guys had to wait so long for an update :) If anybody cares to translate this into another language, I'll release the script and inserter pending approval from whoever I'm supposed talk to about releasing the script. -------------------------------------------------------------- Tools used (Does anyone care?!)- NESten 1.56 Hex Workshop 3.11 TRaCER 1.39 Snes-Tool 1.2 NaGA SPRITE EDITOR 1.8 DJGPP (For utility creation) Notepad MS-DOS Editor 2.0.026 -------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding the project, you should be able to find emails of who to contact. There really shouldn't be any questions regarding it, I mean, the game is easy and if you can't patch, I can't see why you even bother with this game. -------------------------------------------------------------- Written 06/14/02 3:56 AM PST - Laxidman