Deep Dungeon - The Heretic War v1.0 April 15, 2006 KingMike Translations ( *********** INTROUCTION *********** This is the first game in a series of 3D dungeon-crawlers developed by Humming Bird Soft, and published by Square. Deep Dungeon - Madou Senki. The original. The brave warrior must venture through several floors of a dungeon to save the soul of a princess and defeat the villian responsible. Released December 19, 1986 for Famicom Disk System. 1988 for MSX. Deep Dungeon II - Yuushi no Monshou The sequel. Several more floors to explore. Faster-paced than the original. You can also choose how to upgrade your hero's stats at level-up. Released May 30, 1987 for Famicom Disk System. 1988 for MSX. Deep Dungeon III - Yuushi he no Tabi Haven't played it much, but it seems you get multiple party members at least. Released May 1988 for Famicom. Deep Dugeon IV - The Black Sorceror A fan translation of this one was released long ago by Dragoon-X Translations. Working my way through the series, I haven't yet reached this one, so I can't say how it improves the formula. Released in 1990 for Famicom, published by Asmik. **** TEAM **** KingMike - tools, assembly, translation satsu - fixing and completing my translation *********** WHAT'S DONE *********** Should be complete. ************ WHAT'S BUGGY ************ Only bug I know of is when you try to buy new equipment, while having the best one already, the prompt prints mostly offscreen for some reason. Don't know why, it's okay for the rest of the stuff. Name screen design kinda sucks, but its functional, at least. Note that these are bugs in the original game: If you have the best weapon in the game and a high level, a critical hit might overflow the damage counter. That is because the game is programmed to only have 1 byte for damage caused (255 limit). Also, when you get defeated in battle, you get an option to return to a save point, or rise from where you died. The second option doesn't actually do anything. ********************* PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ********************* First, you must use the included FDS Disk Image Expansion program. Give it your DD disk image filename. Then the next prompt will ask you to name a new file. This will be an expanded copy of the Japanese game. Then it will ask you for the expanded file list. Give it the included file dd1_expand.txt Lasltly, you will want to add a .fds header if your disk image doesn't have one. (if FDS appears on the first line when opening the original game image in a hex editor, it has a header) Then apply the IPS to the EXPANDED game image using your favorite patcher. **************** EMULATION ISSUES **************** Should work in any emulator supporting the FDS (that is, most recent emulators). You'll need the FDS BIOS ROM. Don't ask me for it. It'll need to be named DISKSYS.ROM, and probably be put in the same folder as your emulator's executable. ***************** PLAY INSTRUCTIONS ***************** CONTROLS: D-pad: Move cursor Left/Right - turn Up - move forward. Select: Open save menu. Press Select to choose Save Game or to Continue, without saving, and press Start to confirm. Start: This was probably meant to pause the game, but this doesn't stop the flow of time, enemies will still randomly attack. So, as a result, all it does is stop the music temporarily. B Button: Switch between menu and movement mode, and to cancel options. A Button: Open doors and confirm menu options. Your goal is to manuver through the 3D dungeon to access the next floor, until you reach the end of the game. On the top of the dungeon, you can access various services from the townspeople of Dorl. Services in the town of Dorl: Castle - talk to the King. Inn - spend a night to recover all of your HP. Item, weapon, and armor shop - Buy stuff. You can only hold one of each equipment type, and must sell the old one. You can also just sell the old one, if you wanted to for some reason. Descend - enter the dungeon. Inside the dungeon: Status indicators: Level - your experience level. Higher levels I think affect the probability of spells working and such. Also, enemies will run away at higher levels. AP - Attack power. Higher values increase the limit of damage that can be done. But note that the game randomizes the amount actually done, so even with the maximum AP, you'll still do a lot of weak blows. AC - Armor class. Your defence power. Affects how much damage you can possibly take when hit. HP - Hit points. You die when its 0. Recover at an inn or by eating Bread. You can increase the limit by gaining experience levels. EX - Experience points. Get these by beating enemies. When it reaches certain predetermined (never revealed) amounts, your Level will go up, along with maximum HP, and maybe AP or AC. Gold - money. And you have various actions you can take. Fight - attack an enemy in combat, or hit a friendly person, if you're evil. Items - use an item. Escape - run away from an enemy... maybe. Examine - search the ground for hidden items. Speak - talk to friendly people. Useless for enemies. Basic items on your journey: Bread - recovers a random amount of HP. (enemies may recover their HP with the Hait spell) Holy Water - removes Poison status. Pebble - casts the Wind spell. Does some damage to the enemy. Rations - casts the Dormir spell. Put the enemy to sleep. Sacred ash - casts the Un spell. Blocks the enemy's magic. Thunder - casts the Paral spell. Prevents the enemy's turn. Wood - casts the Blast spell. Does more damage to the enemy than Pebble. Cloth - casts the Port spell. You can teleport back to the town above the dungeon, but sometimes this spell fails, and it kills you instead. Fun times. You can hold up to 9 Breads and Holy Waters at one time. Each of the other items can be used unlimited times, but will deduct 1 HP each time they're used. Basic hints: There are lots of places in the dungeons where an enemy will always attack (the enemy may be randomized, but there will always be an enemy). Search the piles of trash. You will get money, but this is also where most of the enemy encounters will happen. Both the random enemy encounters and the trash piles regenerate when you change between floors. Find ones near stairs (ladders), and visit them often to quickly build experience and money. SAVE OFTEN! Especially because battles in this game are based on luck more than anything. ********* COPYRIGHT ********* Original game (c)1986 by Humming Bird Soft. English translation (c)2006 by KingMike and satsu. I am not affiliated with Humming Bird or Square-Enix. Do not distribute the game image ("ROM") and the patch.