(insert elite ascii graphic here) Pretty Girl's Sexy Derby 1.31 (6 September 2020) Official Readme File! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction II. Project IIa. Project Members IIb. Tools IIc. History III. End-User Information IV. Thx V. Legal stuff that would never hold up in court ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction Pretty Girl's Sexy Derby has FINALLY been translated to English!!! *parade* OK, it's not the greatest of accomplishments, and it's not like anyone cares, but here it is, a complete English translation. The original Bishoujo Sexy Derby was released by the pirate company Super Pig (a part of Hacker International) for the Famicom Disk System, and yes, it's a hentai game. For those who aren't cultured enough to know what that means, "hentai" is Japanese for "pervert." So "hentai" could be used to describe either a really perverted guy, or pr0n. :) Actually this game might be described as "ecchi," which, in certain anime circles, is just a tamer form of hentai. All this game really shows are naked breasts, as opposed to.. Well you don't want to know. Pirate hentai games are quite abundant for the Famicom Disk System. Amazingly enough, this is one of the more playable ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project This was finished (for the most part) in about two days: the first involved the menu translations, the second involved the script dump and dialogue. It was very very simple, and was pretty damn easy to hack. I'm quite happy with the end result, so I don't think I'll be messing with this much anymore. Members: -------- Spinner 8 (spinner_8@softhome.net) - text hacking, script dump, title screen hack, the usual stuff Darkmazda (darkmazda@microdsi.net) - translating! Tools used: ----------- Microsoft Windows 98 by Microsoft Corp. (http://www.microsoft.com) Famtasia 5.0 by Nori and Taka2 (http://www.tsukuba.venture-web.or.jp/~ppm/famicom/) NJStar Communicator 2.1 by NJStar Software Corp. (http://www.njstar.com) Tile Layer 0.50b by Snowbro (http://home.sol.no/~kenhanse/) Thingy 0.98 by necrosaro (http://members.aol.com/sabindude/) Relative Searcher 2.5 by Jair (http://www.resnet.trinity.edu/gknodle/) Paint Shop Pro 6.00 Beta by Jasc Software (http://www.jasc.com) Snes-Tool 1.2 by the M.C.A and Elite (?) Patch history! -------------- Version 1.31 - Here's a nice little 20-years-later update to change the IPS patch to support the headerless FDS disk image. The content of the translation itself (or the rest of the readme, embarrassing as it is) hasn't been modified. The checksum of the disk image shouldn't matter much, but the filesize *needs* to be exactly 131000 bytes. Version 1.3 - Finally figured out the pointers! Turns out they were just Ballzy Tables. How embarrassing! :) I took the opportunity to go over all the text and rearrange it and reword it so it looks much much better. It loses its faithfulness to Darkmazda's translation just a teensy bit, but that's a small sacrifice now that most of it actually makes sense. :) Version 1.00 - Everything should be translated! Go forth and jax0r. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End-User This is about how to play the game! Because that's why you downloaded it! Right? Well anyway, first you'll need to apply the patch to the rom. You'll have to find the rom yourself, but make SURE that the rom has the .fds extension, not .fam or .dka or whatever else. This patch will ONLY work on the .fds format rom. OK, got the rom? Now use an ips patcher to apply the patch! I've included ips.exe in this zip for your convenience. Make sure that the rom, patch, and ips.exe are all in the same directory, and now enter this in the DOS command prompt: ips.exe bsd.fds sexy.ips (This assumes that the rom is bsd.fds of course! Be sure and change that to whatever your rom's name is.) This tells ips.exe to take the file bsd.fds and apply the patch sexy.ips to it. Now you should be all set! If you have any more problems with ips patching, then may God help you. Now, you're ready to play! Right? OK! If you've never used a Famicom Disk System rom before, here's how to do it. It plays basically the same, but since it's a disk, you have to do a few extra things. Right now the only emulators you can use are fwNES and Famtasia, and loopynes. Don't ask me how to run it in loopynes, because I don't know. :) Anyway, go ahead and load the rom. In fwNES the FDS BIOS screen will load, and now you can insert your disk. Hit F5 here. That is the key for when you want to insert or eject a disk. Make sure it's at Side A, or you'll get a disk error. In Famtasia, you can just load the rom, and the disk will be inserted for you automatically. Now play! When it tells you to change to Side B, in fwnes hit F5, F6, and then F5 again. F6 is the key for when you want to switch a disk, so what you're doing is ejecting Side A, switching to Side B, and then inserting Side B. Don't just hit F6 to switch to Side B, because that won't work. You have to eject it first. In Famtasia, you can just hit F5. F5 ejects the disk you have, then switches to the next side and inserts it automatically! How clever! OK! Now for the actual game. What you're doing is racing horses for money, and the girls take off various articles of clothing when you get more and more money. To go faster on your horse, you have to hit the A button a lot. So the game is basically hitting the A button as fast as you possibly can. That's it. Pretty sad, isn't it? Well.. what the hell did you expect?! :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks! A HUGE thanks to Darkmazda, who translated all of the dialogue! (Well, some people might consider that stuff dialogue. :P) Translators hardly EVER get the credit that they deserve, so email him and tell him how much you appreciate his work! Dammit! Thanks to Moose M., who helped me out on quite a vulgar spot translation. Honorable Mention goes to Jair, maht, and Yousei for trying to figure it out. :) Thanks to Ballz, who designed the title screen. He would've hacked it in too, but he was too busy with other stuff, undoubtedly getting drunk off his ass every night. Lucky bastard. A gigantic super thanks to Nori and Taka2 for coding Famtasia! Hacking would have been a lot more difficult and infinitely more frustrating if it weren't for this absolutely excellent emulator, and probably would never have been done at all. Thanks to all the programmers of all the programs that were used in the making of this blasted thing, especially necrosaro and Jair! Relative Searcher is a lifesaver, believe you me! Thanks to Super Pig, for making such a wonderful game. Also thanks to Capcom, who made the wonderful font that I ripped off. However, the question mark is my own doing. :) Thanks to all the chicks of #romhack, for putting up with me. They didn't contribute to this translation in any way, but I still felt like apologizing. And thanks to all the emulator programmers, hackers, dumpers, and everyone else who has ever made a positive impact on the emulation community. Emulation would have been just a passing thing if it weren't for the dedication of all the people involved and their love for preservation of old games. Well, that and it's illegal and free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Made-up Stuff Is this game legal? Quite possibly! I mean, it IS a pirate game after all. So all of Nintendo's questionable trademark copyright things really hold no water here, do they now? But of course, does that mean the game itself is illegal? Hmmm, interesting. I assume that it's OK, by the same grounds that Bleem hasn't been struck down yet. But still, what if Super Pig happens to be a lame whining moneygrubbing pathetic asshole and demands that all distribution of all products that make no money for them anymore cease immediately under some outdated copyright laws that were made to protect a completely different medium? This is all hypothetical, of course. I'm sure that no company could be so unbelievably tightassed, right? Right? Aw hell, I'll just be safe and say don't use this patch. It's a very extreme case of copyright infringement. How did I make it then? Why, I just took a random jpeg off the net, changed random values with a hex editor, and released it so I could soak up all that praise that accompanies such a anticipated release. Any actual effects this may have on any software are PURELY coincidental. So fuck you and leave me alone.