Sword of Kalin v1.0 April 14, 2005 KingMike Translations (http://www.emuxhaven.net/~kingmike/index.html) *********** INTROUCTION *********** Monsters have suddenly appeared without warning in the kingdom of Alitania. Only the bravest knight in the land (of course, that's you) can stop the monster threat. And even so, you'll likely need Gladrif the wizard's help. But, uh, where has Gladrif gone? This is an action-RPG, styled after the must-loved run and kill/harass gameplay of the ever-popular "Ancient Ys Vanished". You go around the countryside, trying to find the tools that will let you advance in the game. And when it comes time to battle, just run down your foes. **** TEAM **** KingMike (http://kingmike.emuxhaven.net) - Programming modifications, tools filler (http://www.mattsmessyroom.com) - translation satsu (http://www.yuudachi.net) - secondary translation, script editing Also, the authors of these tools - FCEUltra, GNES - emulators for testing - NESTEN - ASM tracing *********** WHAT'S DONE *********** Got it all done. Hope satsu doesn't mind I had trim just a tiny bit to fit the woeful space limitations (nothing major, a few words here and there. I could expand just enough to add DTE support :( ************ WHAT'S BUGGY ************ Well, at the last moment, a bug came up where using Heal Potions in battle may crash the game. But, I couldn't get it to happen consistantly, and when I did, it seemed to be when I was trying to use them like all 5 I'm allowed consecutively. As they heal 50% of max HP, you shouldn't need more than one at a time, anyways. So, don't use them all at once, and if anybody knows more, let me know. ********************* PATCHING INSTRUCTIONS ********************* First, you will need to use the DOS program included with the patch. Use it on a clean Japanese disk image. NOTE: You will need to rename the file to something without spaces, or use the MS-DOS name (something like kalinn~1.fds if you file is Kalin no Tsurugi.fds). This will move the files within the image around a bit (expanding the necessary files). This program will prompt you for the original Japanese game file. You should have it in the same directory (I think, I just use standard C++ fopen stuff). THEN use the IPS on the file "kalin_jp_exp.fds" that is generated by this program. **************** EMULATION ISSUES **************** Just about any emulator that supports the FDS should run this. Note of course, that you will need an FDS BIOS file. Do not ask me for one, just as you should not ask me for the game image. Use Google. Most emus will require the real BIOS (either the Nintendo BIOS, or the SHARP Twin Famicom BIOS). Though FCE Ultra I think supports the bloated Famicom Disk System BIOS found on just about every "download every ROM on the planet" website. ***************** PLAY INSTRUCTIONS ***************** Control Pad - move characters Select - choose equipped item Start - pause the game B Button - use equipped item, cancel selection A Button - use the menu, confirm selection (to start the game, eject the disk (see your emulator documentation), turn it to side B, and reinsert it at the title screen or later). Menu ---- Enter - go into a village etc. when on the world map. Stairs - use a staircase Check - look for hidden items Status - show status HP - health points. Lose them by being hit. Lose them all, and you die. MP - magic points. Lose them by using rods. Lose them, and you can't use magic items. They recover gradually as you walk (both on the map and in battle). (for HP and MP, left is current, right is the maximum) ST - strength. How hard you hit the enemies. AC - Armor Class. How strong of armor you have. DEX - Dexterity. How likely you are to evade enemies, I think. DP - Damage power? also lists your weapon, armor and shield equipped. Press A to see your items list, and once more to close. Record Quick Save - Save your game to the FC RAM. When you lose a fight, you are sent back to the last time you saved (either a quick save or a disk save). Load - return to the game start menu. Disk Save - Save your game to the FDS disk. It's a slow process, but it's permanent. (thus the quick save option. You'd probably quick save when playing, and only disk save when you want to stop playing.) Some emulators will save to the original disk image you used to load the game, others will save to a copy in the emulators save folder. *You can only save in some places, like the overworld, and the outdoors of a town. *You cannot save in battle. (also, the only option that works in battle is Status) Fighting -------- This game uses a no-attack-button system of fighting (like Ys). You run towards the enemy (from behind if you can, a straight-on attack may or may not work. There must be some factor that determines who takes damage in a head-on collision...), and your hero will automatically attack the enemy. I don't believe you can escape a fight. Your only option is to not collide on the main screen in the first place. Defeat all enemies to receive experience points and gold. Collect enough experience to gain a level (and raise randomly selected attributes). Use gold to buy stuff. (The game doesn't tell you how many points are needed to raise to the next level). Weapons/Armor ------------- You will obtain weapons and armor throughout the game. When you buy a new weapon or armor, you will always sell the old one for 1/2 the original value. You cannot sell items. Healing ------- Your MP is auto-recovered over time. But, you can use a Magic Potion to recover MP instantly. You can also hold up to 5 Heal Potions, which each heal 50% of your maximum HP. You can also visit the doctor in a village. He charges 10 gold per level of experience for a full refill of HP. ********* COPYRIGHT ********* Kalin no Tsurugi is (c)1987 Crystal Soft. Published by DOG (a Square Co. Ltd, partnership with Crystal Soft, Hummingbird (Deep Dungeon), and Thinking Rabbit (Soukoban/Boxxle/Shove It)) Translation (c)2005 KingMike, filler, satsu. NO PRE-PATCHED ROM DISTRIBUTION. If you do, you're a real moron, y'know that?