===Sylvanian Families - The Fairyland Pendant=== ===============Version 1.1b Patch=============== ======Copyright 2007 Watercrown Productions===== ========http://theryusui.googlepages.com======== ==CONTENTS== 1.0: Introduction 1.1: What's New 2.0: Contents Of This ZIP File 3.0: Requirements 4.0: Controls 5.0: Known Issues 6.0: Et Cetera ==1.0: INTRODUCTION== "In all your journeys, have you seen the land beyond the mountains green?" Sylvanian Families - The Fairyland Pendant is my first complete translation patch. The full story of why I'm working on the project is fairly lengthy and is given on my website, so I'll dispense with it. Sylvanian Families is an RPG in the vein of games such as Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing. There are no monsters to fight, demons to capture or worlds to save: just people to make friends with, a landscape to explore and sidequests to uncover. There is a set objective, but you have an unlimited amount of time to reach it, so feel free to take it easy and discover everything the game has to offer. The game is based on a toy line which I wasn't even aware still existed until I learned about the Sylvanian Families video games. I've done research to try and keep the material presented in the game as close to the official English-language material as possible: all the character names have been verified as accurate, but some locations and concepts may be somewhat different. If you have any corrections you wish to notify me of, please contact me using the method given below. --1.1: WHAT'S NEW-- Version 1.1 fixes numerous bugs and errors in the original 1.0 patch. Extra-special thanks to Shadowsithe for digging up all the errors I somehow managed to miss. Version 1.1b fixes a typo in the intro that somehow managed to remain unnoticed for six months. Special thanks to Spinner 8 for bringing it to my attention (and apologies for being too lazy to update the credits to reflect his contribution; I promise this will be rectified if I ever do another major update). The checksum has also been fixed, so emulators and other programs that are designed to take note of this (such as BGB, which was of immeasurable help in making sure the game's proportional font would work on actual hardware) will no longer issue a complaint or warning. ==2.0: CONTENTS OF THIS ZIP FILE== This ZIP file contains the following: -Readme.txt (this file) -sf1v11b.ips (the translation patch in IPS format) ==3.0: REQUIREMENTS== First and foremost, you must have a copy of the game ROM. If you have the actual cartridge, you can (with some technical expertise) dump the ROM yourself; otherwise, you can find the game on the Internet through Google or other search engines. The game is common on ROM sites under the (incorrect) title of "Sylvania Family"; searching for that title in conjunction with the word "ROM" or "ROMs" should help you find a copy in little time. DO NOT ASK ME FOR A COPY OF THE ROM. Sylvanian Families - The Fairyland Pendant can be played on any system that has a GBC emulator. In fact, if you have a flash cart, you can play the game on an actual system. DO NOT ASK ME WHERE TO FIND FLASH CARTS. (Because I don't know, either.) You will require an IPS patch program to apply the translation patch to the ROM. These are available for various platforms and most require no additional software installation; a quick Internet search should turn up a plethora of them. ==4.0: CONTROLS== -Basic Controls- Directional Pad: Move Aster and scroll through menues. B Button: Cancel selections. A Button: Open menu, talk to characters, examine objects and confirm selections. Select Button: Use the GB Printer (or emulation) to print your current room layout or entries in the Flower Diary and Photo Album. Start Button: View the map (when available). -Title Screen- New Game: Start Aster's adventure from the beginning. Continue: Continue a saved game from where you left off. -Menu- Items: View your inventory and use items. Status: View statistics such as how many days of game time have elapsed, how many Dream Points you have accumulated, your current level, how many wilted flowers remain in Sylvania, and how many Dream Pieces you have collected. You can also use the BGM and SE options to preview the music and sound effects in the game, or set the speed at which text scrolls. Save: Allows you to save the game. Seeds: View the seeds and drops you have collected. You can also use the link function to trade seeds and drops. Furniture: View the furniture and house upgrades you have obtained. You can also use the link function to trade furniture. ==5.0: KNOWN ISSUES== -There is a sign next to the eastmost entrance to Acorn Mountain that does not display any text when examined. This is a bug in the original game and is not a error in the patch. -Using the warp hole between the Flower Garden and Skyblue Fields will cause an error in the Musical Bridge minigame where asking Douglas to let you across will not move you to the proper side of the bridge. Asking him again will put you on the correct side. This is a bug in the original game and is not an error in the patch. -If one player cancels a trade while the link partner confirms, the confirming partner will recieve the item put up for trade by the other player and lose the item they offered; the cancelling player's items will remain unchanged. This is a bug in the original game and is not an error in the patch. -The "Hanauranai Jiten" ("Flower Language Encyclopedia", or "Flower Dictionary") is not available in this version of the translation patch. The sidequest in which you originally obtained it is still accessible, but the reward has been altered. ==6.0: ET CETERA== The Sylvanian Families - The Fairyland Pendant translation patch has been in the works since mid-2005. Work was suspended for about six months, until January 2006, when I learned I could modify Klarth's Atlas to work through the script jumps that had hung up the translation process. The continuation of the project was primarily fueled by a sort of self-loathing resulting from my realization that I had become my worst enemy: my original intention was to translate the game directly, without regard for the official English-language material, and this behavior is exactly what incited me to vilify Tokyopop and Dark Horse for their non-translations of the .hack manga and novels and Trigun, respectively. I was a hypocrite, and this translation is my atonement for that hypocrisy. No small part of the credit for finishing this project goes to my utility "Burn My Dread", which even in its rudimentary, shambolic state was no end of help in ferreting out the last pesky script jumps, as well as fixing the more serious bugs Shadowsithe encountered. Eventually I hope to expand Burn My Dread into a full-fledged editor for the GBC Sylvanian Families games, and it may even see a public release. Keep visiting my website for further updates! If you have any questions to ask, bugs or typos to report, or inconsistencies to note feel free to contact me via Personal Message at: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/ Sylvanian Families - Otogi no Kuni no Pendant is copyright 1999 Epoch. The English translation patch, beta version 1.0, was completed on October 17, 2006. Full version 1.0 was completed on December 12, 2006. The English Translation patch, full version 1.1 was completed on February 12, 2007. Special thanks to Shadowsithe for his extensive bugtesting work. Version 1.1b of the English Translation patch was completed on May 20, 2007. Special thanks to Spinner 8 for spotting that typo. This patch is not to be distributed without this readme attached; otherwise, distribute it however you like. Enjoy.