Work of Master Knight DH. Please do not sell for profit...oh right, selling anything emulation-related for profit would be illegal to begin with. *Version 0.55 -Commands converted from Kanji to English. Now the game is playable for those who have trouble with the language barrier. (Though I haven't touched Promotion or Badge when you select an undeployed unit in Campaign, those two should be obvious anyway.) -Also translated the information about Deployment in Campaign. *Version 0.5 -First public version -Map editor pretty much done -Beginner Mode done -VS ready (personal tip if you want to try the game out on VS despite all the game's balance issues: use streaming on a site like -Campaign endings already done (not intended so soon, was in the way of Beginner Mode's ending) *Gameplay tweaks--fortunately all minor or fixes: -APC+ can promote to IFV. Minor since IFV is buildable to begin with. Done to tone down an issue with a Guide Dange It. -Aircraft Carrier can promote to Aircraft Carrier (Large size). Again, minor since Large Aircraft Carrier is buildable already too. -Minigun attack rating against Armored units reduced from 20 to 12. This is because the Gunship and Light Attacker both used it instead of their Air-To-Surface Rockets against Armored units. Now both units will use the thing. The Gunship+ has the Minigun, but also has the AT Missile that gives it ridiculous attack power against Armored units to begin with. The Lander is a sea unit unlikely to catch any land units to begin with, and still shouldn't be doing too much damage if it does. *Text change to note: there's a Woolseyism in the text of declining a surrender that basically warns you not to decline further surrenders. This is because declining White Moon's surrenders (and yes, they're always legit) would be a war crime IRL. Yeah, I'm aware that the war crime that angered Brenner at the end of C14 was striking an unarmed POW. Still, the Complete Monster who does that also continues the attack on his opposition against any valid reason to do so, and we learn that he caused the war by leading the attack on innocents. However, you get a Medal by declining White Moon's surrenders repeatedly. Which in and of itself is counterintuitive, although you probably will get it anyway since you most likely decline surrenders to get extra EXP. *Known bug: The text in unit status is messed up. The reason is because the game uses multiple text styles. This is a mercifully minor bug, since it affects only non-letter characters, so don't expect me to fix it unless I get enough requests. *Future plans for translation job: -Completed translation: of course -Clearing a map quickly opens both possible maps: would fix a case of Do Well But Not Perfect that shouldn't be around seeing as Star Fox 64 was released a few years earlier than GBW3. It's even worse because of a Guide Dang It that qualifies as a Lost Forever. -Choosing a Mercenary unit to call will simply call the Mercenary unit rather than requiring the Mobile Adapter: you already need a Communication Tower to be able to call a Mercenary unit, and then you have a call limit of ONE Mercenary unit. Do you really need to pay 10 Yen each time you want to have any Mercenary units? This is an unfinished patch, and in fact, the battle menus still have work to be done. If I can get myself to work with Tile Layer Pro, I can do them, as well as the button help, which also isn't in any text format. Luckily, most of the relevent menus with text have been dealt with otherwise, but if I missed something, please let me know. Beginner is completely finished, but Campaign hasn't been started yet except for map names and the endings (already done since I wanted to get the Beginner ending done) and I don't have the Standard maps started. And not much progress on the Medals either. *My notes: #1 - there have been some cuts, additions, and changes to the script. I assure you they're not too big, though, aside from the addition at the end of Class 5's mission intel, since players may be unaware otherwise of the tidbit that's given out there. Class 16's mission intel is changed, but the general message is "put it all together" anyway. #2 - yes, I'm using a few terms from TV Tropes. Not professional, but it does simplify things. Although I will throw in humor at a few points. For example, turning the IFV's description from a basic rehash of the APC's to making a joking reference to its Materials cost. Yeah, some Woolseyism in a fan translation. If anybody wants to make their own translation, they can go ahead. #3 - Campaign mission intel is supposed to be in all caps since it's in all-Katakana before translation, but all of the English is. I don't want to remove Japanese characters, though, because it takes some of the fun out of naming. #4 - Initiative is called "Focus" here. aka translations uses the term "Vigor" which makes the units with higher values seem highly energetic, which can be bothersome with the Tank Hunter, a unit that's supposed to be highly defensive in purpose, if not in stats. #5 - programmer oversight fix: the Minigun's attack has been changed from 20 to 12. There's no reason it should have been 20 to begin with. It just causes the Gunship and Lite Attacker to use it instead of the Air-To-Ground Rockets against armored units. #6 - fixing a Guide Dang It related issue: APC+ can now promote to IFV, and Small Aircraft Carrier to Large Aircraft Carrier. The former has issues with being rendered useless, and the latter has to contend with a flatly better unit being buildable in Campaign. Why do I do this when it doesn't seem right from the viewpoint of somebody unfamiliar with the game anyway? Well, just ask Black Mont-Blanc (the maintainer of GBWN) on how he couldn't get a certain Medal for the longest time.....