+------------------------------------+ : H A R R Y P O T T E R I I I : 16.03.2011 : [Harry Potter & the Mystical Halo] : presented by neo fuji : English Translation Patch + v1.0 : http://fuji.drillspirits.net/ +------------------------------------+ Harry Potter 3, aka Harry Potter 3 2003, aka lots of other things, is a horizontally scrolling shootemup loosely based on the first Harry Potter book. It was developed almost certainly in Taiwan, possibly by a company called Vast Fame, and definitely without any kind of official Harry Potter license. It's a pretty fun game though, and seems to have had a reasonable amount of effort put into it - there are 16 stages, the last 8 recycle graphics from the first 8 but each one has a unique boss. It generally has a bit of a quirky Parodius-ish vibe to it, which is helped immensely by the fact that its entire soundtrack is stolen from Parodius. Ahem. (Incidentally, this is the one thing that makes me less than 100% sure of it being developed by Vast Fame; all their other games have original music, and very good it is too) The currently available ROM is a hack, with a fairly amateurish looking title screen calling the game "Harry Potter 3 2003"; there are screenshots of the original about, though, which show a title screen with the usual Harry Potter logo and a Chinese subtitle which translates roughly to "Mystical Halo". I used the subtitle for this translation but dropped the 3, because the 3 makes no sense really. Not that the subtitle makes any sense either - there's no Mystical Halo in the game that I'm aware of. Unless it's supposed to refer to some item in the books/films, anyway - I don't know much about Harry Potter, the editing process mostly involved lots of googling to find out what everything was called :D Anyway, there wasn't much text in the game - just the intro, ending, and a screen after every second level - but it was all in Chinese in the original, and now it's in English. yay! ~ Patching instructions ~ * Find a Harry Potter 3 ROM - in GoodGBX 3.14 its called "Harry Potter 3 (Unl) [C]". Please note this patch should only be applied to the hacked version with the on-screen title "Harry Potter 3 2003"; as of this writing it's the only version dumped. If the original version gets dumped, it *might* work, but the title screen will probably be screwed up; I'll release a new patch if that happens. * Use any IPS patcher to apply the "harry10.ips" patch to the ROM - refer to the patcher's instructions for how to do that. WinIPS, available on my site @ http://fuji.drillspirits.net/winips will do the job for the translation patch, but not the header fix - see below. ~ Header fix ~ This game originally used a trick (detailed on my site somewhere) to swap out its header for a replacement one, to fool the Game Boy into displaying a non-Nintendo logo at boot but load the game anyway. No emulator replicates this swap, though, so they will all use the header present at the normal location in the ROM, which also contains a few incorrect details (an oversight by the developers, I suppose). this header specifies that the game uses SRAM (which it doesn't) and that the ROM is 8mbit (1mbyte) when it's only really 4mbit (512kbyte). The latter issue also appears to have lead to the ROM being *dumped* as 8mbit, so it's twice as large it should be. To create a proper version of the ROM (ie one that isnt too large and won't generate any extraneous .sav files in emulators), apply "harryfix.ips" to the ROM. The patches can be applied in any order, so you can apply this to either the original or translated ROM, and likewise you can apply the translation to either the fixed or non-fixed ROM. Please note that only IPS patchers that support the truncation extension will reduce the ROM size; I know Lunar IPS supports it, apparently NINJA and some later versions of SNESTool do too. but WinIPS and many other common patchers don't. If you're using a non-truncating patcher you can manually remove the last 80000h bytes of the ROM for the same result. ~ Known issues ~ As far as I know there are no issues with the translation patch - this game was piss easy to hack. But the game itself does suffer from a couple of palette problems in one stage and the ending, I might fix those up in a v1.1 or something. ~ Credits ~ hacking, editing, graphics - taizou text translation - SteveMartin additional translation - Chris Tang