Glory of Heracles: Snap Story English Translation Patch - version 1.01 2/5/12 By HTI Please visit for tons of additional information on the game! What You'll Need: ----------------- 1. This patch you just downloaded 2. A Glory of Heracles: Snap Story ("Hercules Eikou") ROM for the Gameboy 3. Lunar IPS or other patching program. What You'll Need To Do: ----------------------- After you've downloaded the ROM, this patch, and Lunar IPS, put them all into the same directory. Backup the ROM if you wish, then run Lunar IPS and follow the prompts. Just remember the ROM is the *.gb file and the patch is the *.ips file. Boring Patch History: --------------------- This game is the main reason I started translating in the first place. After cutting my teeth on some very basic translations, I started tackling this one. That was 10 years ago. I made good initial progress, but the lack of a consistant translator, school (then work) issues, and the size of this game compared to my other projects put this game on the backburner. I then sort of fell out of the whole translation loop, along with internet communities as a whole... Then in the process of moving around the country and looking at my old laptop, I stumbled across the work I had done on this game. Feeling nostalgic, I put an ad for a translator at, and lo and behold, this one delivered. A few months later, I had a completely translated script. But I still had no time to actually work on the project. Fast forward a couple years later. Similar story with me feeling nostalgic about this project, and I decided to play around with the scripts. Now, I'm anything but a hacker, and I don't know anything about programming, but I still had my old .tbl files and my trusty 12 year-old copy of Thingy, so I tested the feasibility of inserting the whole thing script in manually. I realized that I still had the know-how to do at least that, although it would take much more time than I had... So, like all sane men, I blew the majority of a 3-week vacation doing nothing but inserting the script of a 10 year-old Gameboy RPG with only the use of a couple of hex editors. But the game's fully translated now, and I'm quite proud I was actually able to finish the translation after giving up on it at least 4 or 5 times over the last 10 years. Version 1.01 is the same as the original, except I fixed a rather boneheaded translation error I made on the final boss in the game. Not a huge deal, but it really bugged me for some reason. Gameplay Notes: --------------- For the most part, this is a pretty typical RPG. You shouldn't have any problems with the basics. However, instead of gaining permanent party members, you gain the ability to travel with various gods as you level up. You can travel to Olympus in most towns and talk to Zeus to switch out the god you're traveling with. But when a god's in your party, s/he doesn't act like a full party member. Each round, you can either choose to have your god perform an action or not. If your god doesn't do anything, it's like you're fighting the battle alone, and the god can't be targetted. If the god performs an action, it can be attacked by the enemy just like any other RPG. Visit for information. If nothing else, you'll probably need the world map found on that site, as it's quite easy to get lost in the latter part of the game. Known Issues: ------------- The main issue I have is the way the game pushes the text to the right in text boxes from named characters. For characters with short names, this isn't too big of a deal, but for some of the longer-named characters, this can make the text somewhat hard to read, since only one or two words can fit per line. It's probably not too difficult to fix, but I have quite minimal skill when it comes to romhacking, so it's a bit beyond my scope. Also, some names had to be truncated, but that shouldn't be too big of a deal. Plus, some emulators seem to have trouble displaying the Yes/No menus in the game, but that's an issue with the game itself, not the patch. Ditto with the Data East logo when the game starts up. E-mail me at if you notice any bugs/errors. Credits: -------- Hacking: Hiryuu Translating: wonderprojectj Additional Translating: There were a few others who helped from when I first started the project, but it's been so long that I unfortunately forgot who all helped... Font: toma