Booby Boys English Translation Patch - version 1.002/1/12 By HTI What You'll Need: ----------------- 1. This patch you just downloaded 2. A Booby Boys ROM for the Gameboy 3. Lunar IPS or other patching program. What You'll Need To Do: ----------------------- After you've downloaded the ROM, this patch, and Lunar IPS, put them all into the same directory. Backup the ROM if you wish, then run Lunar IPS and follow the prompts. Just remember the ROM is the *.gb file and the patch is the *.ips file. Boring Patch History: --------------------- I didn't work on this game just because of the name... really, I didn't! ...Really! ... ...OK, I did... BUT, the game itself is actually quite fun. There wasn't a ton of text in this one, just a little blurb said by each boss, each girl, the credits, and a few other miscellaneous things. Overall it was quite a simple endeavor. Gameplay Notes: --------------- The object of the game is to collect all the chests in the level, which reveals the key, and then make it to the door. Impeding your progress are enemies, which you can defeat by digging holes, which can cause them to be trapped. You can then fill in the hole, which will destroy the enemy, leaving a tombstone, or let them stay in the trap. The problem with killing them is that you can no longer dig in an area with tombstone, and the enemies will respawn anyway, but you'll get points and sometimes items for defeating enemies. There are six worlds, with ten levels each. At the end of the world, you'll have to fight a boss. Beat all six bosses to fight the final boss. And that's it. The items: Shovel = Extends the number of holes you can make simultaneously by one. Boots = Increases your speed. Armor = Temporarily makes you invincible. Clock = Freezes all enemies temporarily. Gun = Allows you to temporarily shoot enemies to defeat them. Boomerang = Allows you to temporarily defeat enemies via boomerang. Bomb = Allows you to defeat enemies Bomberman-style for a few seconds. Crystal = Temporarily transforms enemies into crystals, which can be collected for points. Smart Bomb = Allows you to destroy all on-screen enemies 5 times. Known Issues: ------------- Some of the names in the credits had to be truncated a bit. Y. Nishiguchi became Nishi-guchi Kina-chan became Kina And R235 Poyo~n became R235Poyon That's all. Credits: -------- Hacking: Hiryuu Translating: eg